lokeshvara's picture

An Update On Restorative Process In Triratna (October 2018)

From Adhisthana Kula on Sat, 27 Oct, 2018 - 20:20

This is a report on the Restorative work undertaken over the last year within Triratna, which was introduced in the Adhisthana kula’s posts of 13th April and 15th June 2017, entitled “A Reconciliation process” and “Why Restorative approach?”

Read “A Reconciliation process”

Read “Why Restorative approach?”

Listen to our podcast on Restorative Process in Triratna

In 2017 Triratna’s Adhisthana kula undertook to:

  1. Offer training in ‘Restorative’ practice within Triratna, as part of a process of learning to go deeper with difficult conversations;
  2. ...
Sadayasihi's picture

5 Years of the Buddhist Centre Online: #10 Revived Indian Buddhism

From Buddhist Centre Features on Thu, 25 Oct, 2018 - 22:53

5 Years of the Buddhist Centre Online: #10 Revived Indian Buddhism

From Buddhist Centre Features on Thu, 25 Oct, 2018 - 22:53

“The greatest thing the Buddha has done is to tell the world that the world cannot be reformed except by the reformation of the mind of man and the mind of the world.” - Dr Ambedkar

Around the seventh century BCE Buddhism began to go into decline in India, the land of its birth. It was only in the late nineteenth century that it began to be revived: firstly, through the work of institutions such as the Maha Bodhi Society, which was...

ratnadharini's picture

Ratnadharini and Shantigarbha on Restorative Process in Triratna

From Adhisthana Kula on Wed, 24 Oct, 2018 - 20:59

Ratnadharini and Shantigarbha give an excellent, practical introduction to using the Restorative Process in order to resolve disharmony within Triratna. Exploring its principles and its methodology, this short talk also provides a helpful overview of why the Restorative approach is considered such a good fit for a Buddhist community.

Recorded in India, spring 2018.

Follow the Buddhist Centre Podcast for occasional news and updates from the Adhisthana Kula: On iTunes  |  Other Podcast Networks


Read more about how Triratna is applying Restorative...

sucimani's picture

50 Years, 50 Voices: Vijaya (Highlights)

From Buddhist Voices on Wed, 24 Oct, 2018 - 20:21

Who I am? I am just a little part of this process which is coming from the Buddha. … Disciple of disciple of disciple… Bhante ordained Srimala, Srimala ordained me… I am ordaining other people. I am just part of that process.


Vijaya’s Annals

In 1968 I was born in Nagpur.

In 1978 I was ten years old and called Indu Gajbhiye. I was studying in primary school. We all were six brothers and sisters living with father and mother in a small...

Candradasa's picture

50 Years, 50 Voices: Prasadacarin (Highlights)

From Buddhist Voices on Wed, 24 Oct, 2018 - 19:52

It was quite mindblowing that people were actually trying to practice…


Prasadacarin’s Annals

In 1968 my Serbian grandparents had been in Sweden a year and my mother was born. My father was two years old and was still living in Denmark. 

In 1978 my mother was ten and my father twelve, and they were now living in the same suburb north of Stockholm.

In 1988 my parents were in a relationship and living together. They got married and were waiting for me...

Sadayasihi's picture

Windhorse : Evolution Lives on! Join them?

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Wed, 24 Oct, 2018 - 15:58

Windhorse : Evolution Lives on! Join them?

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Wed, 24 Oct, 2018 - 15:58

Here’s a last minute chance to take advantage of a unique opportunity at New View Residential, the ethical letting agency in Cambridge, who are looking for a new team member.

New View is one of the newest and most distinctive right livelihood projects currently operating within Triratna, has a long and fascinating history. They are a new voice in the thriving Buddhist community of Cambridge.

So how did it come to be, and what makes them so unique?

Well, the story is worth revisiting. It began in...

Sadayasihi's picture

This Weekend - Live coverage of the 'Big One'

From Buddhist Centre Features on Mon, 22 Oct, 2018 - 15:15

This Weekend - Live coverage of the 'Big One'

From Buddhist Centre Features on Mon, 22 Oct, 2018 - 15:15

The 2018 Triratna Young Buddhists’ Retreat - the ‘Big One’ - takes place in Adhisthana this weekend! We’ll be bringing you the best of the event online throughout the weekend: talks, interviews, podcasts, video and pictures.

The Big One remains the key young Buddhist gathering of the year, and is an opportunity for young people across Triratna to come together, meditate, make new friends and have lots of fun!

+ follow the Young Buddhists space for Dharma content. Connect with us...

Munisha's picture

Munisha's Safeguarding talk to the European Buddhist Union 2018

From European Chairs' Assembly on Sun, 21 Oct, 2018 - 09:42

Triratna’s European Chairs’ Assembly employs me both as Triratna’s ‘Liaison officer’, responsible for co-operation with other Buddhist traditions, mainly in Europe. In that capacity I attend meetings of the European Buddhist Union and the Network of Buddhist Organisations UK.

+Follow this work at Triratna in the Buddhist World on TBCO.

As I am also Triratna’s overall Safeguarding officer, I gave a talk at the September 2018 meeting of the European Buddhist Union at Adhisthana, explaining the...

Munisha's picture

European Buddhists gather at Adhisthana

From Triratna News on Sat, 20 Oct, 2018 - 21:51

European Buddhists gather at Adhisthana

From Triratna News on Sat, 20 Oct, 2018 - 21:51

The last weekend in September saw the annual gathering of the European Buddhist Union (EBU), this year hosted by Triratna at Adhisthana, followed as always by the annual meeting of the Buddhist Teachers in Europe (BTE).

For the EBU meeting, around 30 people from national Buddhist unions and individual Buddhist traditions across Europe, and including some young Buddhist guests, spent three days together, concentrating on two topics: 1) Young Buddhists and 2) preventing abuse in...

Munisha's picture

Buddhist Teachers in Europe at Adhisthana

From Triratna in the Buddhist World on Sat, 20 Oct, 2018 - 21:24

Buddhist Teachers in Europe at Adhisthana

From Triratna in the Buddhist World on Sat, 20 Oct, 2018 - 21:24

This year’s meeting of the Buddhist Teachers in Europe (BTE) was hosted by Triratna at Adhisthana at the very start of October. Following straight on from the European Buddhist Union meeting it was much smaller: eight to 10 people attended each day, including Sangharakshita. BTE is a chance for informal discussion on topics of current common interest, this year on the topic of ‘Buddhists in Dialogue with European Societies’, taken from the title of a conference held in Berlin in...
