Candradasa's picture

An Introduction to Buddhist Meditation on the Seacoast

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Sat, 1 Sep, 2018 - 17:34

An Introduction to Buddhist Meditation on the Seacoast

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Sat, 1 Sep, 2018 - 17:34

Wednesdays, September 19th-October 10th, 7-8.30pm 

Have you ever wanted to change your life? Maybe in small ways, maybe in big ones?

Learning or refreshing your acquaintance with the ancient, tried-and-tested techniques of Buddhist meditation is like walking through a portal into change of your own making. A certain magic is there to be found and engaged with - at your own pace, wherever you are starting out from.

Come and join us for a new short fall course of classes...

Candradasa's picture

Being With Ourselves, Knowing Ourselves: How To Hold Our Experience In A Complicated World

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Thu, 30 Aug, 2018 - 00:48

Being With Ourselves, Knowing Ourselves: How To Hold Our Experience In A Complicated World

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Thu, 30 Aug, 2018 - 00:48

Sundays, September 2nd through September 30th, 9am-12.30pm

We’re moving into a new season again at the PBC! And this year we’ll be greeting fall and early winter by exploring the 5th aspect of the Triratna System of Practice: the aspect of Spiritual Receptivity.

Over the next 5 weeks we’ll begin our reflections with a series of Sunday community mornings looking at what it means to have and be with our experience of life – and how...

Sadayasihi's picture

5 Years of the Buddhist Centre Online: #8 Wisdom Beyond Words

From Buddhist Centre Features on Wed, 29 Aug, 2018 - 15:30

5 Years of the Buddhist Centre Online: #8 Wisdom Beyond Words

From Buddhist Centre Features on Wed, 29 Aug, 2018 - 15:30

“The culmination of wisdom is freedom from all views. You have nothing to say. When all the answers are in your being, you have no need to keep them in your head.” - Sangharakshita (Seminar on The Door of Liberation)

The goal of Buddhism is the attainment of Enlightenment - but what is Enlightenment? One way of describing it is seeing the true nature of reality and living in accordance with that vision. An Enlightened being is free...

tejadhamma's picture

Personal Safety Training

From Bahujan Hitay, Nagpur on Tue, 14 Aug, 2018 - 16:56

Personal Safety Training

From Bahujan Hitay, Nagpur on Tue, 14 Aug, 2018 - 16:56

Under TBMSG Nagpur Trust our staff of Bahujan Hitay Project and Women Social Project including Girls hostel attend a recent training on Personal Safety Training to get understanding on Child Abuse and prevention including psychological help. This training is very useful to the staff while running project.

We express our thanks to Karuna Trust, UK who...

tejadhamma's picture

In Bhandara District, New Learning Club opened

From People to People, Nagpur, India. on Tue, 14 Aug, 2018 - 16:40

In Bhandara District, New Learning Club opened

From People to People, Nagpur, India. on Tue, 14 Aug, 2018 - 16:40

We extended our work out of Nagpur. Our new additional area is Bhandara also ! PTP started a new Learning Club for the children of Mine’s Labour at Chikhala Mines area at Bhandara District for the age group of 10 to 16.

This learning club provides children free educational access. Those children are very happy to join the class. Mr/ Rajik Khan is helping  children...

Windhorse Publications's picture
Windhorse Publi...

Interview with the author – Shantigarbha on his new book I’ll Meet You There

From Windhorse Publications on Mon, 13 Aug, 2018 - 16:43

Interview with the author – Shantigarbha on his new book I’ll Meet You There

From Windhorse Publications on Mon, 13 Aug, 2018 - 16:43

I’d love empathy to become a household word.

Shantigarbha, the author of our new release I’ll Meet You There: A Practical Guide to Empathy, Mindfulness and Communication shares his passion for Nonviolent Communication (NVC) and inspiration for the book in an interview for NVC-UK. Shantigarbha is an experienced teacher of both NVC and Buddhism; he is also a member of the Triratna Buddhist Order. He was given the name Shantigarbha, which means ‘seed of peace’.


Sanghanistha's picture

You Can Help To Make Padmaloka Dharma Talks Even Better

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Fri, 10 Aug, 2018 - 12:57

You Can Help To Make Padmaloka Dharma Talks Even Better

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Fri, 10 Aug, 2018 - 12:57

So far, 2018 has been another year of excellent Dharma talks given at here Padmaloka. Some of the highlights have included Subhuti’s talks on our Bodhisattva Ideal retreatPadmavajra’s talks on our five-day Milarepa retreat, as well as Ratnaguna’s and Sraddhapa’s talks on our open retreat. The only thing that lets these talks down is the sound quality of their recordings, which could be much much better. Candradasa has very kindly put together a proposal about how we might...

Nagapriya's picture

Libros en español

From español on Wed, 8 Aug, 2018 - 19:04

Ya puedes comprar libros de bhante en español en un formato electrónico y además descargar algunos libros gratis:

Suryaprabha's picture

Great Ocean

From Lights In The Sky - living dharma on Wed, 8 Aug, 2018 - 15:20

Great Ocean

From Lights In The Sky - living dharma on Wed, 8 Aug, 2018 - 15:20

Another Lights in the Sky film is in being made.

It is about Sangharakshita and friendship. There are two distinct elements: 50% his life as a series of friendship stories, the narratives are his own words, read offscreen by an actor*; 50% documentary interviews with people in different relationships to him. 

* Uniformity of delivery plus great audio quality is good for intelligibility, intimacy and empathy.

If you can please support the production by going to

A great film begins when you leave the theatre

There are a lot...

Satyalila's picture

50 Years, 50 Voices: Aryadhi (Highlights)

From Buddhist Voices on Tue, 7 Aug, 2018 - 15:30

 I think it was the missing piece of the jigsaw, as it were.

Aryadhi’s Annals

In 1968 I was 6 years old, final year at infant school and struggling with the outside world as I experienced it through school.

In 1978 I was 16 and studying for ‘A’ levels, on the brink of adulthood but feeling an outsider, never really fitting in and very afraid.

In 1988 I was working in a classical music publishers in London and leading a life immersed in the arts – in and...
