Munisha's picture

European Buddhist Union weekend at Adhisthana

From Triratna in the Buddhist World on Sat, 20 Oct, 2018 - 18:58

European Buddhist Union weekend at Adhisthana

From Triratna in the Buddhist World on Sat, 20 Oct, 2018 - 18:58

The last weekend in September saw the annual gathering of the European Buddhist Union (EBU), this year hosted by Triratna at Adhisthana. This was followed as always by the annual meeting of the group, Buddhist Teachers in Europe (BTE). Both were enormously successful meetings in terms of the working atmosphere and topics, and people’s enjoyment of each other and their surroundings. (I attend both each year, in my capacity as Triratna’s Liaison officer, looking after...

Munisha's picture

Triratna Safeguarding talk at the German Buddhist Union

From Triratna in the Buddhist World on Sat, 20 Oct, 2018 - 18:10

Triratna Safeguarding talk at the German Buddhist Union

From Triratna in the Buddhist World on Sat, 20 Oct, 2018 - 18:10

I’d like to report briefly on a visit to the German Buddhist Union (DBU) annual meeting in April this year – with apologies for the considerable lateness of this report.

The Diamond Way Sangha, at their wonderful lakeside Europe Centre in Bavaria, were wonderful hosts to around 50 representatives from various Buddhist traditions in Germany, including Triratna’s Vidyagita and Karunada. Their theme being ethics in sanghas, I was invited to address them on the topic...

Sadayasihi's picture

Tuesday Meditation: New Time and Place

From Online Meditators on Fri, 19 Oct, 2018 - 11:40

Tuesday Meditation: New Time and Place

From Online Meditators on Fri, 19 Oct, 2018 - 11:40

Online meditations will be resuming on Tuesday 13th November.  

For a series of six Tuesdays we will be looking at how we can go deeper in meditation. Starting with the practices of the Mindfulness of Breathing and the Metta Bhavana we will be exploring how we can work with hindrances that arise and become more absorbed - and, ultimately, transform our experience so that it is in line with Reality!

A couple of practical things.  Firstly, the time...

Candradasa's picture

A Buddhist Revolution

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Fri, 19 Oct, 2018 - 00:32

A Buddhist Revolution

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Fri, 19 Oct, 2018 - 00:32

Sunday, October 21st, 9.30am-12pm

In 1956 Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar, the leader of the Indian Dalits (ex-Untouchables,) converted to Buddhism and started a movement that is transforming Indian society. Although the revival of the Dharma in the Buddha’s homeland is largely unknown outside of India, millions of Indian Buddhists are trying to change their lives by adopting the values and teachings of the Buddha. Their struggle casts light on the nature of the Dharma as a universal path to...

Dhammalata's picture

How do you learn to be a human being?

From Coogee Buddhist Group on Tue, 16 Oct, 2018 - 00:46

How do you learn to be a human being?

From Coogee Buddhist Group on Tue, 16 Oct, 2018 - 00:46

If I think back through my own life there have been a few people who have been very influential in shaping who I’ve become. I am also aware that some people have been a fairly unhelpful influence whilst others have been enormously helpful. 

The Buddha said that to be in the company of those who are wise and mature in virtue is critical for both our present and future welfare and to be in the company of the...

Dhivan Thomas Jones's picture
Dhivan Thomas Jones

Philosopher Strikes Gold

From Western Buddhist Review on Mon, 15 Oct, 2018 - 13:19

Philosopher Strikes Gold

From Western Buddhist Review on Mon, 15 Oct, 2018 - 13:19

Another review – this time by myself (Dhīvan) on an excellent new history of Buddhist philosophy in India:

The Golden Age of Indian Buddhist Philosophy

by Jan Westerhoff

Oxford University Press, 2018, 326pp £30 hb

 review by Dhīvan

In a customary gesture in books like this one, [1] Jan Westerhoff asks in his introduction what the purpose might be in his writing another history of Buddhist philosophy, given that those already available were written by such eminent scholars. In this case, the eminent scholars are Volker Zotz (writing in...

tejadhamma's picture

Welcome Programme organized for New Order Members

From Triratna Bauddha Mahasangha, Nagpur (North) on Sun, 14 Oct, 2018 - 07:40

Welcome Programme organized for New Order Members

From Triratna Bauddha Mahasangha, Nagpur (North) on Sun, 14 Oct, 2018 - 07:40

We have arranged a programme to welcome the new order who ordained on 14 Oct. 2018 at Sangharakhita Meditation and Retreat Center , Nanded.

This welcome programmes details are as under :

Welcome Program of Newly Ordained Order Members

Place :

Triratna Bouddha Mahasangha

C/o : Anagarika Dhammapal Buddhavihar,


Dhivan Thomas Jones's picture
Dhivan Thomas Jones

Weighing the Evidence

From Western Buddhist Review on Fri, 12 Oct, 2018 - 10:55

Weighing the Evidence

From Western Buddhist Review on Fri, 12 Oct, 2018 - 10:55

We present a review by Nāgapriya of Anālayo’s recent study of the Buddhist teaching of rebirth and what evidence there might be for the truth of it:

Rebirth in Early Buddhism and Current Research

by Bhikkhu Analayo

Wisdom Publications, Somerville MA, 279pp. hb. £22.50

review by Nāgapriya

Bhikkhu Anālayo has garnered a distinguished reputation as an authoritative scholar of the Pali Canon and early Buddhism. His mastery not only of Pāli sources but also of parallels in Chinese translation has enabled him to produce a growing corpus of...

Dhammalata's picture

Befriending your Demons

From Coogee Buddhist Group on Tue, 9 Oct, 2018 - 11:34

Befriending your Demons

From Coogee Buddhist Group on Tue, 9 Oct, 2018 - 11:34

Befriending Our Demons

One of our senior order members named Purna has agreed to come over to Coogee to give a talk on the evening of Friday October 19th. 

BYO Vego dinner 7.30 pm and then talk to follow

He’s going to base it on the story of Padmasambhava taming the demons of Tibet in order to build Samye Monastery - no doubt there’ll be a parallel to the way we can befriend and transform the demons...

Ratnaprabha's picture

Needing Nothing

From North London Buddhist Centre on Mon, 8 Oct, 2018 - 15:57

In the first of a series of three podcasts entitled The World is Burning, Ratnaprabha explains why craving is such a fundamental issue for Buddhists, how it relates to both desire and clinging, why it causes us problems, and how to deal with it.

The SoundCloud content at is not available, or it is set to private.
