Saddhammapradip's picture

Community Study Led by Dh. Adityabodhi

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Thu, 19 May, 2016 - 08:01

Community Study Led by Dh. Adityabodhi

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Thu, 19 May, 2016 - 08:01

Community member are doing study with Dh. Satyadeep in Apr 16 ( 25th to 30th)  on “Magga Vagga” and with Dh. Adityabodhi in May 16 from 16th to 20 th on Going for Refugee.

Vajrashura's picture

BAM at the Dublin Buddhist Centre

From Buddhist Action Month 2016 on Wed, 18 May, 2016 - 17:20

BAM at the Dublin Buddhist Centre

From Buddhist Action Month 2016 on Wed, 18 May, 2016 - 17:20

Here is the programme of BAM events at the Dublin Buddhist Centre.

  • Residential Retreat - 21st Century Bodhisattva. Friday 3rd - Monday 6th June. Exploring how the Bodhisattva Ideal is relevant in the 21st Century, and how we can manifest it.
  • Film Night – This Changes Everything by Avi Lewis. Friday 10th June, from 7pm. A movie about climate change and the opportunities within it to transform our society for the better.
  • Sangha Hike in the Wicklow Mountains. Saturday
  • ...
Dhammalata's picture

3 Mitra Ceremonies and a Rebirth

From Coogee Buddhist Group on Tue, 17 May, 2016 - 04:31

3 Mitra Ceremonies and a Rebirth

From Coogee Buddhist Group on Tue, 17 May, 2016 - 04:31

Dear Coogee Meditator

I’m focussing this week’s email to Wesak which is the traditional Buddhist celebration held to mark the Buddha breaking through to enlightenment and is observed by all schools of Buddhism

A particularly special part of  the day and a part I’d love you to come to is the puja at 7 pm. Matty and Steve, two of our Coogee sangha will have their mitra ceremonies as part of this ceremony and it would...

Shrijnana's picture

Buddhist Action Month 2016

From Aryaloka Buddhist Center on Mon, 16 May, 2016 - 18:19

Buddhist Action Month 2016

From Aryaloka Buddhist Center on Mon, 16 May, 2016 - 18:19

Aryaloka is joining with other Triratna centers and groups to celebrate Buddhist Action Month in June. Aryaloka is sponsoring several collective actions that everyone is welcome to join in on.

Schedule of events

Opening Ritual ~ June 7, 7 pm

Dedicate your actions during BAM for the benefit of all beings. We’ll kick off our Buddhist Action Month with a short ritual at the beginning of Friends Night.

Vegan Pot Luck and Recipe share ~ June 7, 5:30 PM

Bring your favorite meat and dairy free dish and one print...

Shrijnana's picture

BAM at Aryaloka in Newmarket, NH

From Buddhist Action Month 2016 on Mon, 16 May, 2016 - 17:53

BAM at Aryaloka in Newmarket, NH

From Buddhist Action Month 2016 on Mon, 16 May, 2016 - 17:53

Schedule of events

Opening Ritual ~ June 7, 7 pm

Dedicate your actions during BAM for the benefit of all beings. We’ll kick off our Buddhist Action Month with a short ritual at the beginning of Friends Night.

Vegan Pot Luck and Recipe share ~ June 7, 5:30 PM

Bring your favorite meat and dairy free dish and one print out of the recipe. No need to make copies of the recipe! Write it all on one page of paper and we can photograph it...

mokshini's picture

Still looking for an action to run for BAM 2016? Keep it simple and remember the teaching on the Three Actions

From Buddhist Action Month 2016 on Mon, 16 May, 2016 - 08:20

Still looking for an action to run for BAM 2016? Keep it simple and remember the teaching on the Three Actions

From Buddhist Action Month 2016 on Mon, 16 May, 2016 - 08:20

For BAM to be a successful event, it doesn’t have to be complicated, and in fact, let’s run the events in the spirit they are intended  - that is with kindness to ourselves as well as kindness to the planet and other beings. 

Here are some Tips for organizing a successful BAM:

Keep projects SIMPLE. 

Buddhists can be busy people – engaged Buddhists even more so so that sometimes just the thought of taking on an extra responsibility can feel a...

Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Parami - Buddha Day Festival Talk

From London Buddhist Centre on Mon, 16 May, 2016 - 01:00
Parami gives a delightful talk in celebration of the Buddha's enlightenment, illuminating it with parallels to the elements and landscape.
Nandavajra's picture

Flash mob meditation (4th June) and Summer Day Retreat (Sat 13th Aug)

From Exeter Triratna Group on Sun, 15 May, 2016 - 18:08

Flash mob meditation (4th June) and Summer Day Retreat (Sat 13th Aug)

From Exeter Triratna Group on Sun, 15 May, 2016 - 18:08

Flashmob meditation - Exeter - Sat 4th June

Some of us are talking about doing a Flashmob Meditation in Exeter on Saturday 4th June 11.00 - 1.00. You will need to bring your own mat, cushion and blanket (you can borrow these from the Centre). If you would like to join in, please email  Emily at
emilyruth.hammond [at]

Summer Dat retreat at Sagaravajra’s Forest Garden - 13th August

We’ll be having a Summer Day Retreat at Sagaravajra’s...

Nandavajra's picture

June is Buddhist Action Month - Beach Clean

From Exeter Triratna Group on Sun, 15 May, 2016 - 18:00

June is Buddhist Action Month - Beach Clean

From Exeter Triratna Group on Sun, 15 May, 2016 - 18:00

June is Buddhist Action Month - Beach Clean at Dawlish Warren on Saturday 25th

Special day event: you are warmy invited to join in with the Beach Clean at Dawlish Warren on Saturday 25th June on behalf of the Marine Conservation Society. As you probably know, plastics in the ocean is killing marine life. We’ll be joined by other Buddhist groups across Exeter to do our bit.

Meet 2pm  in the first car park at Dawlish Warren, the one on your right before you go under the...

Nandavajra's picture

Day Retreat to celebrate Buddha Day

From Exeter Triratna Group on Sun, 15 May, 2016 - 17:55

Day Retreat to celebrate Buddha Day

From Exeter Triratna Group on Sun, 15 May, 2016 - 17:55

Day Retreat to celebrate Buddha Day - ‘The Buddha’s Victory’

Sunday 22nd May, 10.30 until 4.30 (arriving from 10.00)   by donation

at Bothenhampton Village Hall, BRIDPORT

A day celebrating the Buddha’s Awakening through Meditation, Reflection, shared lunch and more…….Buddha Day is one of the most important festival days in the Buddhist calendar, and forms part of Wesak. We’ll have readings from sutras, meditation, talk & discussion, together with a puja.
bring a veggie lunch item to share

Postcode DT6 4BJ for...
