Maniraja's picture

Ordination at Guhyaloka | Ordenación en Guhyaloka

From Order Connection on Sat, 18 Mar, 2017 - 21:49

Ordination at Guhyaloka | Ordenación en Guhyaloka

From Order Connection on Sat, 18 Mar, 2017 - 21:49

Dear Order Members,

We’re pleased to announce that the following public ordination took place today, 18th March 2017, at Guhyaloka Retreat Centre in Spain:

Ruben Sánchez becomes
Yaśomani, meaning “He who is an Excellent Jewel”
(Westernised spelling Yashomani).
Private Preceptor: Moksananda
Public Preceptor: Moksananda

Ruben Sánchez se convierte en
Yaśomaṇi, “El que es una Joya Excelente”
(Ortografía occidentalizada Yashomani ).
Preceptor privado: Moksananda
Preceptor Público: Moksananda

Con metta,

parami's picture

Parami, Lokeshvara and Saddhaloka In Conversation

From College of Public Preceptors on Sat, 18 Mar, 2017 - 15:08

A new podcast from some members of the Adhisthana Kula as they come to the end of a 10-day meeting of the College. 

A great little summary of some of the more general issues discussed, including those arising from historical controversies in Triratna (formerly the FWBO). We get a little taster of other conversations to come - with news of new media, and of prospective reconciliation possibilities within the wider community.

What emerges is a picture of the College at a...

parami's picture

Parami, Lokeshvara and Saddhaloka In Conversation

From Adhisthana Kula on Sat, 18 Mar, 2017 - 15:01

A new podcast from some members of the Adhisthana Kula as they come to the end of a 10-day meeting of the College of Public Preceptors - the body responsible for maintaining the integrity and spirit of the Triratna Buddhist Order. 

A great little summary of some of the more general issues discussed, including those arising from historical controversies. We get a little taster of other conversations to come - with news of new media, and of prospective reconciliation possibilities within...

mokshini's picture

Meditating with the Body

From Exeter Triratna Group on Sat, 18 Mar, 2017 - 12:24

At the Exeter Sangha Night sessions this month, we are starting off our journey of Going Deeper with our meditation practice’ by looking at involving our bodies and physical experience. 

This includes spending some time with and  achieving a comfortable and supportive posture - I have attached a short guide (thanks to Vajramati from the New York Triratna Centre) and here is also a link to ...

shraddhavani's picture

This Sunday: Integration - Dawning of Awareness

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Thu, 16 Mar, 2017 - 14:55

This Sunday: Integration - Dawning of Awareness

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Thu, 16 Mar, 2017 - 14:55

This Sunday, March 19, 10AM-12:30 PM, we continue with our exploration of the spiritual path.  Following a period of meditation, led by Dh. Viriyalila, we will encounter the first stage, or aspect, of spiritual development – Integration. Here, we look within ourselves to more fully understand our thoughts, feelings, and actions in light of our spiritual aspirations and Dharmic perspective. By more fully understanding all the parts of ourselves, horizontally and vertically, as it were, we begin to...

mokshini's picture

Special Action for BAM 2017 - #4: Connecting to non-human beings...

From Buddhist Action on Wed, 15 Mar, 2017 - 17:27

… let’s go vegan for a day, a week or a month!

Sarah Boak who you might know from these pages, or from Southampton Sangha where her home is, or through her work for Buddhafield, has compiled this little booklet to make it that much easier to take the plunge and take steps towards consuming less animal-based products. 

And of course if you want to explore veganism as an action for June at your Buddhist centre or Group, one step might be to go...

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mokshini's picture

Special Action for BAM 2017 - #2: Take part in Refugee Week (in UK)

From Buddhist Action on Wed, 15 Mar, 2017 - 17:26

Im June in the UK this year is Refugee Week. This seems an opportunity to good to pass by, especially for those of us who live in the UK; but even if you don’t, the subject of refugees, and our relationship to them, is surely topical and all of us in Triratna may want to choose to do something in relation to this. 

The website includes helpful info like Advice and Ideas for Organising Events and there is...

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mokshini's picture

Special actions for BAM 2017: #3 Love not Fear street meditations

From Buddhist Action on Wed, 15 Mar, 2017 - 17:24

Maitrisiddhi from Taraloka was in touch saying:

“One thing we’ll do is for BAM this year is ‘Street meditation in Shrewsbury: ‘Love not Fear’ on 17th June 12-2 and possibly more later in the day - yet to unfold!

We’ll be meditating in public, making a visible statement about having a        different response to world events.  It’s on the day of the Shrewsbury Carnival - it’ll be a bit bonkers, but fun!  Come and be stared at!” 

It would be great to have...

mokshini's picture

Special Action for 2017 - #1 Join the divestment movement!

From Buddhist Action on Wed, 15 Mar, 2017 - 12:12

This year for Buddhist Action Month 2017, we are making five special suggestion for a BAM action: Number #1 is  DIVESTMENT. If you don’t know much about divestment, then here is your chance to find out,  and more to the point, we can join in!

Tejopala has written a very helpful short intro to divestment explaining what it is and how you and your Centre can join it - see his “fossil fuel divestment for BAM guide”. 

Divesting from fossil fuels 

Aryanisha's picture

Breathworks blog: "Please, don't knock mindfulness", by Singhashri

From Community Highlights on Wed, 15 Mar, 2017 - 09:10

Breathworks blog: "Please, don't knock mindfulness", by Singhashri

From Community Highlights on Wed, 15 Mar, 2017 - 09:10

Breathworks is a fantastic organisation set up and run my members of the Triratna Buddhist Order and Community. Here is the latest blog post by Program Director Singhashri Gazmuri. If you missed it in January, it’s well-worth a read to understand what mindfulness is, isn’t, and why it is so important in the world today. 

“Reading Ruth Whippman’s November 26th opinion letter on mindfulness, Actually, Lets Not Be in the Moment left me with a growing sense of dismay and sadness.

I am...
