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Metta in Action

As a community we had reflected on the theme of BAM and made 5 pledges each that we would do throughout June. A lot of the community went vegan, others picked up litter whenever they saw it, and some took on a reflective element bringing people to mind that they feel gratitude for.

After a month of cultivating this positive energy in the community, we wanted to do something to extend that out to the rest of the world. Sarah is a member of Amnesty International, and she led our last BAM community evening introducing the work of Amnesty and how we can take action to support human rights by writing letters. Letter writing changes lives, and could help free a prisoner, stop an execution or help a bereaved family receive justice. We wrote letters to governments across the world about torture victims that are in urgent need of medical care and the disappearance of activists. It really felt like metta in action, and a beautiful and moving way for our community to come together to have a positive impact on the wider world.

If you would like to find out more about Amnesty International and support their amazing work, please visit their website https://www.amnesty.org.uk/