shraddhavani's picture

This Sunday Dharma Day at Aryaloka

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Thu, 6 Jul, 2017 - 14:22

This Sunday Dharma Day at Aryaloka

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Thu, 6 Jul, 2017 - 14:22

There will be no Sunday gathering at PBC this week, July 9.  

Instead, we encourage you to join friends from the larger Seacoast Sangha in celebrating Dharma Day at Aryaloka.  The day will start with a vegetarian potluck lunch at Noon and continue with sharing, discussing and meditating on favorite passages from the Buddha’s large body of inspiring teachings.  

ALSO there will be an exhibit of original artwork by local Triratna Order Members, including a painting by Viriyalila,...

Kavyamani's picture

BAM at the London Buddhist Centre with Transforming Self and World

From Buddhist Action on Wed, 5 Jul, 2017 - 21:50

BAM at the London Buddhist Centre with Transforming Self and World

From Buddhist Action on Wed, 5 Jul, 2017 - 21:50

June has been a particularly turbulent month in the city of London.  The violent attacks and tragic incidents the city has experienced have given us much to pause and reflect upon.  It can feel as though the forces that govern our country and the wider world base their values on greed, fear, hatred and misinformation; the very poisons we try to work against in Buddhist practice.  More than ever it seems critical for each and every one of us and...

Śraddhāpa's picture

Kṣitigarbha Sādhana Group

From Order Connection on Wed, 5 Jul, 2017 - 20:10

Kṣitigarbha Sādhana Group (group)

From Order Connection on Wed, 5 Jul, 2017 - 20:10

This is a group for all Order Members who practise the Kṣitigarbha Sādhana, are considering taking it up, or who have a serious interest in the Bodhisattva Kṣitigarbha. You are welcome to share images, texts, reflections, experiences, and anything else related to Kṣitigarbha that you feel may help and inspire other Order Members in their practice.

parami's picture

Four Women Ordained at Adhisthana

From Order Connection on Wed, 5 Jul, 2017 - 19:07

Four Women Ordained at Adhisthana

From Order Connection on Wed, 5 Jul, 2017 - 19:07

Dear Order Members,

I am delighted to let you know that the following women received their public ordination at Adhisthana this afternoon (2nd July 2017).

Public Preceptor Parami:

Bec Remigio becomes Amaladipa
(long ‘i’, long final ‘a’)
Westernised spelling: Amaladipa
Sanskrit name meaning: She who is a Light or Lamp of Purity
Private Preceptor: Mokshini

Emma Bulley becomes Abhayamala
(long penultimate and final ‘a’)
Westernised spelling: Abhayamala
Sanskrit or Pali name meaning: She who has a...

mokshini's picture

Buddha Ratnasambhava’s Delight

Buddha Ratnasambhava’s Delight

From Triratna International Gathering 2017 - What The World Needs Now on Wed, 5 Jul, 2017 - 19:03

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” (Howard Thurman)  

At our best we’re aware of how much we have been given, and delight in passing it on to others. In those moments we taste the freedom of the awakened mind. So why is it so hard to do?! In this workshop we shall explore profound teachings and practices to become a...

mokshini's picture

Wisdom’s gathering: The difference that makes a difference

Wisdom’s gathering: The difference that makes a difference

From Triratna International Gathering 2017 - What The World Needs Now on Wed, 5 Jul, 2017 - 11:42

What difference can the sangha make? In this talk, Dhammamegha will explore what the sangha has to offer in its forms of life and relationships, its precious reservoirs of wisdom, and the vital place of positive emotion.  

And what are the enemies of sangha life? On one end there is individualism and wanting to be immune from others, or not knowing how to connect. On the other are relationships based on utopian, wishful and group thinking. Come and explore the adventure of...

Aryanisha's picture

Friendship and Collective Practice - Saddhamani

From Community Highlights on Wed, 5 Jul, 2017 - 11:18

Friendship and Collective Practice - Saddhamani

From Community Highlights on Wed, 5 Jul, 2017 - 11:18

We have highlighted this post from the fantastic new Successful Community Living space - be sure to follow it as we’re certain it will continue to provide inspiration and advice on this super important topic. 

In this video meet Saddhamani from Paris, France, who used to live at Padmaloka Retreat Centre in Norfolk, England. He gives a lovely, personal account of the role of friendship in his own life as part of a wider community of Buddhists supporting each other in...

Aryanisha's picture

Mainland Europe Young Buddhist Convention 2017

From Community Highlights on Wed, 5 Jul, 2017 - 10:40

Mainland Europe Young Buddhist Convention 2017

From Community Highlights on Wed, 5 Jul, 2017 - 10:40

A lotus with seventy petals – a symbol for one European young Buddhist sangha

by Marieke

From Friday the 2nd, until Sunday the 4th of June, the first Mainland Europe Young Buddhist Convention was held in Berlin. Seventy young Buddhists from ten European countries came together to explore the theme ‘one sangha’. How can young Buddhists from different countries become one sangha? The relationship between unique individuals in all their diversity vs. their commonalities and shared values, was the central topic of the weekend.

Seventy petals


mokshini's picture

Everything of worth is defenceless

Everything of worth is defenceless

From Triratna International Gathering 2017 - What The World Needs Now on Wed, 5 Jul, 2017 - 09:25

“Everything of worth is defenceless: the Dhamma - the most precious Jewel - doesn’t need protection”.

An intriguing title for the second main talk of the International Gathering, given by Arthakusalin who is the chair of the Ghent Buddhist Centre in Belgium!  We are sure to find out more on the subject when we gather to listen to his talk - I am looking forward to it. 

mokshini's picture

Return of the Bodhisattva

Return of the Bodhisattva

From Triratna International Gathering 2017 - What The World Needs Now on Wed, 5 Jul, 2017 - 08:09

The world needs us to think big. The Bodhisattva Ideal is the biggest myth possible - Awakening for the sake of all sentient beings - and for that reason it’s perhaps easy to lose sight of it. But humanity is increasingly reaching out for a myth of this kind, and modern Buddhism is better able to articulate its significance than ever, so what needs to happen next?

Prajnaketu will share more of his thoughts on the above topic at the International Gathering...
