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Centre Team

Books for Buddhist Kids & Parents

From Triratna Parents Mandala on Thu, 3 Aug, 2017 - 21:59

Books for Buddhist Kids & Parents

From Triratna Parents Mandala on Thu, 3 Aug, 2017 - 21:59

Though sometimes you have to search a bit, there are lots of books out there on Buddhist themes for young children, teens, and parents. We’ll post here a running list of Fantastic Books and Where to Find them.

If you have a favorite of your own, please share in the comments section and we’ll add it!

Young Readers:

The Buddha at Bedtime - Nagaraja

The Buddha’s Apprentice at Bedtime - Nagaraja

The Calm Buddha at Bedtime - Nagaraja

The Lion and the...

LDNBuddhist's picture

Children and Families at the LBC

From Triratna Buddhist Families on Thu, 3 Aug, 2017 - 16:08

Children and Families at the LBC

From Triratna Buddhist Families on Thu, 3 Aug, 2017 - 16:08

(Originally posted in the London Buddhist Centre newsletter, July 2017)


Ten years ago – my son Gowan then just three months old – I started meeting with other new mothers in the LBC library on a Wednesday morning. We would meditate and talk whilst our babies slept or rolled around on the floor together. Whether we were exploring metta, impermanence, the preciousness of human life or the simple need for more sleep it was a blessing and a relief to be...

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Centre Team

Interkula Parenting Questionnaire

From Triratna Buddhist Families on Thu, 3 Aug, 2017 - 15:53

Interkula Parenting Questionnaire

From Triratna Buddhist Families on Thu, 3 Aug, 2017 - 15:53

The Interkula group, whose goal is to assist and work closely with the Adhisthana Kula in discussion about various Triratna community topics, has recently put out an online survey for parents and children in the Triratna Community about their experiences. You can take the survey yourself by visiting this link and contributing your experiences to the discussion!

This is an opportunity for you to share what has worked and what hasn’t worked in your local situation, or...

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Free Buddhist Audio

The Worldly Winds 4: It's All About Me!

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Thu, 3 Aug, 2017 - 01:00
“All worldly activities are as immaterial as chaff.” So said the Tibetan teacher Tsongkapa. Having explored the Eight Worldly Winds, and their effects upon us; having examined our response and looked at suggestions for ways of working, is there some overarching approach we could adopt? In short, what have we learned, and how can we put it in to practice? Taranita completes his series on The Worldly Winds with the fourth and final talk.
Vajranatha's picture

News from Bristol

From metta for merida on Wed, 2 Aug, 2017 - 14:24

News from Bristol

From metta for merida on Wed, 2 Aug, 2017 - 14:24

On the recent ECA meeting several centres pledged to raise a total of £5000 to help the Venezuelan Sangha with travel expenses so they can take part in retreats outside Venezuela and Order Members can travel to support them.

Bristol is the first centre to respond. I was invited to give a ten minute talk at their regulars’ class about the situation in Venezuela. After the talk we did mettabhavana including Venezuela in the last stage. At the end...

mokshini's picture

Introductory Meditation and Buddhism course at the Exeter Triratna Group

From Exeter Triratna Group on Tue, 1 Aug, 2017 - 20:12

Introductory Meditation and Buddhism course at the Exeter Triratna Group

From Exeter Triratna Group on Tue, 1 Aug, 2017 - 20:12

Starting on Wednesday 13 September, at the usual time of 7pm, at the Exeter Natural Health Centre. 

The course will cover the essentials of meditation, including posture, mindfulness and loving-kindness meditation, and how to work in meditation; and will also include an introduction to Buddhism, the historical Buddha and his teachings, and what value they might have for us in the 21st century. 

There will be more information posted here over the course of August so if you wish to be kept updated please...

vajratara's picture

New Mitra Study Module and Retreat on Dr Ambedkar

From Community Highlights on Tue, 1 Aug, 2017 - 11:38

New Mitra Study Module and Retreat on Dr Ambedkar

From Community Highlights on Tue, 1 Aug, 2017 - 11:38

I am writing a new mitra study module introducing Dr Ambedkar to Westerners and exploring his influence on Sangharakshita and Triratna.  I am planning to launch it on the Dhamma Revolution Retreat at Adhisthana 17-19 November, with the help of the Indian Public Preceptors.  If you are going on Convention or Pilgrimage to India next year, or if you are interested in doing this module, come to that weekend!  It’s a great opportunity to hear about Ambedkar and Triratna...

vajratara's picture

Dhamma Revolution Retreat at Adhisthana 17-19 November

Dhamma Revolution Retreat at Adhisthana 17-19 November

From India Dhamma Trust: "At the heart of a peaceful Dhamma Revolution" on Tue, 1 Aug, 2017 - 11:22

‘After my contact with Dr Ambedkar and his followers I became much more aware of the social dimension of Buddhism and, in fact, the social dimension of life itself’

Dr Ambedkar is, in Sangharakshita’s terminology, one of the greatest Buddhists of the 20th century and a profound influence on Sangharakshita’s life and thought. Deeply committed to the uplift of the most marginalised communities in India, Dr Ambedkar saw the Dhamma as a means of individual and social transformation. This...

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Free Buddhist Audio

Ways of Approaching the Metta Bhavana - 20 Minutes

From Birmingham Buddhist Centre on Mon, 31 Jul, 2017 - 01:00
Short talk about the value of the Metta Bhavana and some tips for how to engage. Looking at the four things metta isn't and the one thing it is...
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Free Buddhist Audio

Pleasure and the Path

From Birmingham Buddhist Centre on Mon, 31 Jul, 2017 - 01:00
Buddhist psychology says that every moment of experience is flavoured by either pleasure, pain or neutrality (not sufficiently interesting). Given this maybe we need to get more interested in pleasure and how to find it within our spiritual lives.
