Vajranatha's picture

metta for merida

From Triratna Venezuela on Fri, 28 Jul, 2017 - 09:08

metta for merida (group)

From Triratna Venezuela on Fri, 28 Jul, 2017 - 09:08

Welcome to the international Triratna meditation network to help with the humanitarian crisis in Venezuela. See video.

The political tensions in Venezuela have reached a point where violent confrontations on the street are an almost daily occurrence. They are the kind of conditions that could lead to civil war. How can the Triratna presence in Venezuela help in this situation?

The idea is for groups of people in Triratna centres around the world to have sessions of “Meditation for Venezuela”. This...

Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

The Worldly Winds 3: Respect and Disgrace and Pleasure and Pain

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Fri, 28 Jul, 2017 - 01:00
Being social creatures, we live amongst others; how do we deal with the respect or disrespect afforded by other people? And being human, we are in the midst of pleasure and pain; so what is an appropriate response to these powerful sensations? In part 3 of his series on The Worldly Winds, Taranita explores the Worldly Winds of Respect & Disgrace and Pleasure & Pain
Centre Team's picture
Centre Team

Suggestions on Starting Family Events at your Local Centre

From Triratna Parents Mandala on Thu, 27 Jul, 2017 - 14:43

Suggestions on Starting Family Events at your Local Centre

From Triratna Parents Mandala on Thu, 27 Jul, 2017 - 14:43

Many centres in the Triratna Community around the world have been successful in initiating family events and programs, but there are still many opportunities to expand on this - especially in those areas where these initiatives haven’t yet taken off. Here are a couple of great ways to get started:

1) Create a Local Network of Families

In your local sangha it’s helpful to first identify and connect with other parents. This can take the form of informal gatherings, play dates, swapping babysitting, or...

Rijupatha's picture

Triratna Parents Mandala

From Triratna Buddhist Families on Thu, 27 Jul, 2017 - 08:30

Triratna Parents Mandala (group)

From Triratna Buddhist Families on Thu, 27 Jul, 2017 - 08:30

Welcome Buddhist parents!

This group extends the excellent work that’s been done and continues over on the Triratna Buddhist Parents Network Facebook page. In this forum we can be creative and share parenting ideas and interesting tidbits, connect with other Buddhist parents, talk through some of the joys and challenges of balancing and merging practice with parenting, learn what’s going on for families in Triratna, and encourage family programs and new initiatives at our local centres and in the wider community.

If you’re...

vajrapriya's picture

Reviewing the Past - meeting notes OM

From Adhisthana Kula on Wed, 26 Jul, 2017 - 17:18

Lokeshvara recently announced a meeting to begin talking about the process of “Reviewing the Past” (as announced in this post).

15 people attended this meeting at Adhisthana on 16th July 2017. Some rough notes have been attached here.

With metta

Vajrapriya, International Order Office Team.

Rijupatha's picture

Karunagita - A Path for Parents

From Triratna Buddhist Families on Wed, 26 Jul, 2017 - 16:08

Karunagita - A Path for Parents

From Triratna Buddhist Families on Wed, 26 Jul, 2017 - 16:08

How do we lead rich and meaningful spiritual lives in the context of parenting? In this short video, Sara Burns (Karunagita) talks about the opportunities and challenges of being a parent from a Buddhist perspective.

Sara attended the Buddhafields Family Friendly Retreat again in 2013 to give a talk on parenting and share her experiences as the parent of two older teenagers, reflecting back on the road she has travelled thus far.

You can find and purchase Karunagita’s book, A Path...

Nandavajra's picture

European Triratna Chairs Assembly Child and Vulnerable Adult Protection Policies

From European Chairs' Assembly on Wed, 26 Jul, 2017 - 14:44

European Triratna Chairs Assembly Child Protection and Vulnerable Adult Protection Policies and Guideline

These are  the European Triratna Chairs Assembly (registered charity no. 1117287):

  • Child protection code of conduct
  • Child protection policy
  • Vulnerable adult protection policy and guidelines
karunagita's picture

Buddhist Parenting - Karunagita

From Triratna Buddhist Families on Wed, 26 Jul, 2017 - 14:38

This is another great talk from the ‘Dharma Warriors’ series given at the Buddhafield Festival. Karunagita is the author of ‘Growing as a Parent - What Buddhism Has to Offer’, and here she presents some of that material to an audience of summer loving practitioners under the blue skies of Devon. Settle back and enjoy the sound of drums, kids’ voices, and Karunagita’s perspectives on the challenges and opportunities of raising a child as part of your practice of the...

mokshini's picture

Paganism and the Dharma

Paganism and the Dharma

From Triratna International Gathering 2017 - What The World Needs Now on Wed, 26 Jul, 2017 - 12:24

This fabulously interesting workshop aims to explore the common ground between paganism and the Dharma. Ratnadeva writes - 

“We will look at extracts from Bhante’s writings, in which he describes possible benefits for Western Buddhism of engaging with paganism. More specifically we will look at animism as a common mythical context. I will describe how I have been exploring these complementarities within the context of team-based-right-livlihood with Buddhafield. There will be time for a (hopefully!) open-minded and open-hearted discussion, during which we...
