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Free Buddhist Audio

Tantric Path - The Wheel of Life

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Fri, 18 Aug, 2017 - 01:00
This symbol is an archetypal representation of one of the most important Buddhist teachings, pratitya samutpada or conditioned co-production. In imagery and symbolism it can speak to us in a very direct way, more potent that words.
Saddhammapradip's picture

3 Strand Retreat

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Thu, 17 Aug, 2017 - 08:10

3 Strand Retreat

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Thu, 17 Aug, 2017 - 08:10

3 Strand retreat led by Dh. Subhuti on 24 Nidanas, from 12th to 18th July 17. 106 order members attended the retreat.

Dh. Subhuti has explanation Upadana very nicely in his talks.

Photo by Dh. Ratnakumar.

Saddhammapradip's picture

Order Retreat July 17

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Thu, 17 Aug, 2017 - 07:55

Order Retreat July 17

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Thu, 17 Aug, 2017 - 07:55

Order Retreat Led by Dh.Subhuti on 24 Nidana. It is attended by 74 order member. Dates for retreat were from1st to 11th July 17.

Dh. Subhuti has explain how to work with  Dukkha, Faith and Precept to get out of wheel of Condition Existence and given the favour of what does it means be disentangle, dispassion and get freedom.

Photo : Dh. Ratnakumar

Saddhammapradip's picture

Men's GFR Workshop

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Thu, 17 Aug, 2017 - 07:39

Men's GFR Workshop

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Thu, 17 Aug, 2017 - 07:39

Men’s GFR Workshop led by Dh. Ratnashil on 15 point for preparation of Ordination. Around 40 GFR Mitra’s from various center attended it. Workshop was supported by Dh. Satyadeep and Anandabodhi. Date’s for workshop were 4th to 6th Aug 17.

Thanks for group photo : Rahul Sankpal

Saddhammapradip's picture

Young Order Members Retreat

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Thu, 17 Aug, 2017 - 07:33

Young Order Members Retreat

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Thu, 17 Aug, 2017 - 07:33

From 12tht to 18th Aug 17 Young order member retreat  led by Dh. Subhuti. Subject for this retreat is Honey Ball Sutta. Around 15 young order member are present in this retreat.

Photo by Dh. Arunvajra

Liz_Bassett's picture

"... money was a kind of placeholder for life and love ..."

From FutureDharma on Wed, 16 Aug, 2017 - 15:43

"... money was a kind of placeholder for life and love ..."

From FutureDharma on Wed, 16 Aug, 2017 - 15:43

Money often substitutes for other things we want. But how to tell the difference? Amalavajra, a banker-turned-Buddhist fundraiser, explores how his relationship with money has changed.

Listen to an interview with Amalavajra on his life as banker and Buddhist

In May 1999, at the age of twenty-five, I was a bond dealer at JP Morgan, a major US investment bank just off Fleet Street. I had always wanted to be, yes, a ‘millionaire’, and was now well...

RCheesley's picture

Open Day - 30th September

From Ipswich Buddhist Centre on Wed, 16 Aug, 2017 - 15:12

Open Day - 30th September

From Ipswich Buddhist Centre on Wed, 16 Aug, 2017 - 15:12

Interested in finding out more about meditation and Buddhism? Would you like to look around our centre, have a go at meditation, or simply just grab a cup of tea and have a chat?

Come along to our open day on Saturday, 30th September between 10am-4pm.
We will shortly be posting a rough outline of different drop-in sessions we will be running during the day.

Devamitra's picture

Can Can Cancer Dancer 4

Can Can Cancer Dancer 4

From Stories From the Past and Present (Looking to the Future) on Wed, 16 Aug, 2017 - 09:37

4 Chemo’s Parting Kiss

“The third week of the cycle is your recovery week,” a chemo nurse had explained to me in the early days of my treatment when I was still a chemo-innocent. “We like to give you a short break so that your system can recover a little before you start the next round.” Pausing, she chuckled before continuing in a tone of mock cruelty, “and then we hit you hard again!”

            I was determined to take full advantage of these...

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Free Buddhist Audio

The Tantric Path - The Vajra

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Tue, 15 Aug, 2017 - 01:00
Dharmasiddhi reveals the esoteric symbolism of the Vajra and explores opportunities for integration culminating in dynamic energy.
