Sadayasihi's picture

The Lion's Roar: Talks from the International Order Convention

From Community Highlights on Thu, 8 Feb, 2018 - 15:03

Here is a selection of talks from the 2018 International Order Convention in Bodhgaya, India on the theme of ‘Sinhanada, the Lion’s Roar’.  

Firstly, we have a rousing, uncompromisingly radical talk from Maitriveer-Nagarjuna evoking the fire that drove Doctor Bimrao Ambedkar to work tirelessly on behalf of the so-called Dalit “Untouchable” people in order to free them from the evils of the Hindu caste system. He reframes Doctor Ambedkar as a radical for the ages, of greater and broader...

Sadayasihi's picture

Can-Can Cancer Dancer — Interview with Devamitra

From Community Highlights on Thu, 8 Feb, 2018 - 11:56

Can-Can Cancer Dancer — Interview with Devamitra

From Community Highlights on Thu, 8 Feb, 2018 - 11:56

Last summer Charlotte Lawes, a mitra at the LBC, interviewed Devamitra about his ongoing experiences of living with cancer.  Devamitra has been writing a blog called ‘Can Can Cancer Dancer’ initially to ensure that he did not lose touch with a valuable opportunity for Dharmic reflection, but also so that others might benefit from hearing about his experiences.

The interview touches on the themes of beauty,  solitude and Devamitra’s thoughts on the future.

You can also read an article Charlotte wrote in May, ...

Sadayasihi's picture

ordinations at bodh gaya

From Triratna News on Thu, 8 Feb, 2018 - 11:21

ordinations at bodh gaya

From Triratna News on Thu, 8 Feb, 2018 - 11:21

We are delighted to inform you of the public ordinations which took place in Bodh Gaya on Saturday 3rd of February. The ordinations took place in the Mahabodhi Temple Complex, under the Bodhi Tree. 

Dhammamitra Bharati Shetty became
Dhammacharini Mokshasara
Sanskrit name meaning: Essence of Liberation
Private preceptor: Subbhajaya
Public preceptor: Jnanasuri 

Dhammamitra Dhangaj Singh became
Dhammachari Shramanveer
Sanskrit name meaning: Hero of Shraman
Private preceptor: Amoghasiddhi
Public preceptor: Saddhaloka 

Sadhu, Sadhu, Sadhu!

lokeshvara's picture

Re-launch of the Order Metta Bhavana

From Order Connection on Wed, 7 Feb, 2018 - 16:45

Re-launch of the Order Metta Bhavana

From Order Connection on Wed, 7 Feb, 2018 - 16:45

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We want to tell you about a special event this weekend at the end of the International Convention in Bodh Gaya. We are going to “re-launch” the Order Metta Bhavana.

We would like to suggest the Order Metta Bhavana
is done at 8am on the first Sunday of the month.

Traditionally the time for the Order Metta has been at 4 or 5 pm on a Saturday afternoon. After consultation...

Centre Team's picture
Centre Team

A Note About Online Coverage From India

From Buddhist Centre Features on Wed, 7 Feb, 2018 - 14:44

A Note About Online Coverage From India

From Buddhist Centre Features on Wed, 7 Feb, 2018 - 14:44

Hello friends. We hope you’re enjoying the coverage from India. Just a note to say that recordings of talks, podcasts, and other bits of the event that need editing and processing are likely to be delayed for a day or two due to ill health in the online team. We’ll restore normal service as soon as possible! Thanks for your patience. 

Centre Team's picture
Centre Team

A New Project for Triratna Land at Bodhgaya and Sarnath

Mokshapriya and Maitriveer-Nagarjuna with news of an ambitious international project to develop simultaneously Triratna’s land at Bodhgaya and Sarnath.

Recorded at Bodhgaya at the International Order Convention, 2018.

See all posts from the 2018 Convention

Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Reverencing the Buddha At the Place of His Enlightenment by Purna

From Buddhist Centre Features on Wed, 7 Feb, 2018 - 07:36

As his contribution to evoking the “lion’s roar” of the Buddha, Purna talks about myth and the importance of reverence in any spiritual life, regardless of temperament. We are given a faith-centered tour of the seven traditional spots around the Bodhi tree marking different aspects of the Buddha’s Enlightenment experience. And Purna enjoins us to “release faith” by following in the Buddha’s footsteps and dropping our rigid self view…

Recorded at Bodhgaya, India, 2018.

See all posts from the 2018 Convention

Subhadramati's picture

A Notice About Dayarakshita's Health

From Order Connection on Tue, 6 Feb, 2018 - 20:40

A Notice About Dayarakshita's Health

From Order Connection on Tue, 6 Feb, 2018 - 20:40

Dear Order members,
I’m writing to let you know that Dayarakshita is seriously, possibly critically, unwell and in hospital in Sheffield – probably to be moved to another hospital soon. Her conditions are multiple - with her lungs and kidneys compromised, her weight seriously low, and she is in great pain with continual vomiting and nausea. I have just spoken to her and she is frightened.

I would love it if as many Order members...

Centre Team's picture
Centre Team

Order Convention 2018 - New Order Members Saying Hello!

From Buddhist Centre Features on Mon, 5 Feb, 2018 - 19:04

Order Convention 2018 - New Order Members Saying Hello!

From Buddhist Centre Features on Mon, 5 Feb, 2018 - 19:04

Every time the Triratna Buddhist Order gathers for an international Convention, we have a delightful ritual where Order Members who have been ordained in the last couple of years introduce themselves. Here’s a selection of the many who said hello at the Order Convention in Bodhgaya India, 4th Feb 2018.

Thanks to Clear Vision for filming!

See all posts from the 2018 Convention

parami's picture

Ordinations at Bodh Gaya

From Order Connection on Mon, 5 Feb, 2018 - 18:35

Ordinations at Bodh Gaya

From Order Connection on Mon, 5 Feb, 2018 - 18:35

Dear Order Members,

We are delighted to inform you of the public ordinations which took place in Bodh Gaya on Saturday 3rd of February. The ordinations took place in the Mahabodhi Temple Complex, under the Bodhi Tree. 

Dhammamitra Bharati Shetty became
Dhammacharini Mokshasara
Sanskrit name meaning: Essence of Liberation
Private preceptor: Subbhajaya
Public preceptor: Jnanasuri 

Dhammamitra Dhangaj Singh became
Dhammachari Shramanveer
Sanskrit name meaning: Hero of Shraman
Private preceptor: Amoghasiddhi
Public preceptor: Saddhaloka 

