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The Lion's Roar: Talks from the International Order Convention

Here is a selection of talks from the 2018 International Order Convention in Bodhgaya, India on the theme of 'Sinhanada, the Lion’s Roar'.  

Firstly, we have a rousing, uncompromisingly radical talk from Maitriveer-Nagarjuna evoking the fire that drove Doctor Bimrao Ambedkar to work tirelessly on behalf of the so-called Dalit “Untouchable” people in order to free them from the evils of the Hindu caste system. He reframes Doctor Ambedkar as a radical for the ages, of greater and broader relevance for a world where the forces that oppose liberation at all levels seem stronger than ever.

Amitamati speaks about how the 'lion's roar' of the Buddha is alive today. She reflects on her career as a doctor in a big Mumbai cancer hospital, learning to practice compassion and patience in the face of caste discrimination at work and the pain of the patients. We hear how she stood up and roared with the Dharma for justice. And how she developed fearlessness when faced with working at another hospital caught up in the midst of violence between Hindus and Muslims. 

As his contribution to evoking the “lion’s roar” of the Buddha, Purna talks about myth and the importance of reverence in any spiritual life, regardless of temperament. We are given a faith-centered tour of the seven traditional spots around the Bodhi tree marking different aspects of the Buddha’s Enlightenment experience. Purna enjoins us to “release faith” by following in the Buddha’s footsteps and dropping our rigid self view…

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See all posts from the 2018 Convention