Maitreyi's picture

Maitreyi Interviews Punyamala About Families

From Adhisthana Kula on Sat, 20 Jan, 2018 - 15:00

Maitreyi Interviews Punyamala About Families

From Adhisthana Kula on Sat, 20 Jan, 2018 - 15:00

A great conversation between two friends who are also members of the College of Public Preceptors, exploring Punyamala’s experiences around having children in the context of her Buddhist life within the FWBO and Triratna.

+ follow the Adhisthana Kula space all week to see more from this series

+ follow Triratna Buddhist Families

See more posts on practice in a family context

Saddhammapradip's picture

Dh. Aryasambhava Family Visit to Retreat Center

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Sun, 21 Jan, 2018 - 18:27

Dh. Aryasambhava Family Visit to Retreat Center

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Sun, 21 Jan, 2018 - 18:27

Dh Aryasambhava parent visit to Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center after his Ordination program at Bordaran. Community member were glad to spend time with them.

Saddhammapradip's picture

Welcome Program of New Dhammachari

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Sun, 21 Jan, 2018 - 18:22

Welcome Program of New Dhammachari

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Sun, 21 Jan, 2018 - 18:22

Welcome Program of New Dhammachari at retreat center.

Dh. Manjuvacha, Dh. Aryasambhava and Dh. Jinsiddhi

Saddhammapradip's picture

One Month Dhammacharini Retreat

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Sun, 21 Jan, 2018 - 18:18

One Month Dhammacharini Retreat

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Sun, 21 Jan, 2018 - 18:18

Dhammacharini Srimala  led one month retreat from Dhammacharini from 25th Dec 17 to 21st Jan 18. On 10th Jan 18 celebrate Dhni. Srimala birthday too.

Saddhammapradip's picture

White Fish

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Sun, 21 Jan, 2018 - 18:10

White Fish

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Sun, 21 Jan, 2018 - 18:10

It is delightful to watch white and black spot fish swimming in Lotus pond in Front of Main Shrine.'s picture

Breaking Families

From Shabda Articles on Sun, 21 Jan, 2018 - 17:06

Breaking Families

From Shabda Articles on Sun, 21 Jan, 2018 - 17:06

(Open to all)

There has been much criticism, often intemperate, of Triratna and in particular Sangharakshita, for ‘breaking families’. So it was in the Buddha’s day. There is clearly an unavoidable tension between on the one hand the needs of the individual for, ideally, complete autonomy and emotional independence, and on the other the needs and demands of that selfsame individual, for such, paradoxically, is often the case, for sexual activity with a willing and appreciative partner. The tension is compounded if there...

vajratara's picture

The Great Gathering - A Greater Love: Maha Maitri

From Tiratanaloka on Sat, 20 Jan, 2018 - 16:31

The Great Gathering - A Greater Love: Maha Maitri

From Tiratanaloka on Sat, 20 Jan, 2018 - 16:31

@ Taraloka 7th-10th June

This long weekend is a celebration of our community and its unique emphasis on the practice of friendship as a path. There has not been such a Great Gathering for many years and the team, drawn from Tiratanaloka, Taraloka and Buddhafield look forward to welcoming you - women who have requested ordination and dharmacharinis - to gather at Taraloka for rituals, chanting, talks, discussion, meditation, workshops and the pleasure of each other’s company. We are expecting large numbers...

Dhammalata's picture

Visit Coogee Beach in Sydney

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Sat, 20 Jan, 2018 - 08:44

Visit Coogee Beach in Sydney

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Sat, 20 Jan, 2018 - 08:44

One of our community members at Jayakula in beautiful Coogee Beach Sydney Australia is returning home to Scotland between April 17th and June 4th.

If you are an Order member who’d love to come and spend some time here and can think of some simple ways you could share your practice with our Coogee and Sydney Buddhist Centre Sangha, please contact me.

You’d only have to find your fare over and meet your own living expenses: accommodation in our lovely community would be free.

You can...

Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Mandala of Practice - a Map For the Journey

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Sat, 20 Jan, 2018 - 00:00
The five aspects of the Dharma life described by the Triranta system of practice can be mapped in a mandala. Jvalamalini gives some directions for the journey in this talk to start Bristol Buddhist Centre's 2018 theme.
saddhaloka's picture

Dharma Life - Family Life

From Community Highlights on Fri, 19 Jan, 2018 - 17:31

Dharma Life - Family Life

From Community Highlights on Fri, 19 Jan, 2018 - 17:31

One of the tasks the Adhisthana Kula set itself was to encourage people within Triratna to take a fresh look at some of those areas of practice and lifestyle that have been of real value and importance, and which sometimes have been put forward in an unhelpful way.

We look to build an Order and movement in which anyone who sincerely wishes to commit themselves to the Three Jewels can find a place and have something to give, whatever their...
