Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

What Meditation Really Is

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Fri, 2 Feb, 2018 - 00:00
Maitreyabandhu returns to our Sangha Night to take us to the heart of the key Buddhist practice of meditation. He is the author of a number of Dharma books and a published poet. His talks are always thought provoking and inspiring.
Kaisan's picture

I missed out

From Shabda Articles on Thu, 1 Feb, 2018 - 18:21

I missed out

From Shabda Articles on Thu, 1 Feb, 2018 - 18:21

I missed out the word ‘transltor’ from my previous list appreciating Bhante’s qualities
So Bhante has said of himself:
‘I am not Enlightened’
‘I am not a Guru’
‘I am a Spiritual Friend’
‘I am an Order Member’
And also, ‘I am just a translator’.

I think it is worth drawing attention to the fact that Bhante did make something of a point of describing himself as a (mere) translator by employing the motif...

Mahamati's picture

Bhante's Latest Writings

From Order Connection on Thu, 1 Feb, 2018 - 15:44

Bhante's Latest Writings

From Order Connection on Thu, 1 Feb, 2018 - 15:44

Dear Order members,

I am delighted to draw your attention to twelve short articles written by Bhante during 2017 with a further two written in January 2018.

These have been published in Shabda and on The Buddhist Centre Online, and you can also find them on Bhante’s website at: 

Each of the fourteen pieces has a short introduction, and here I draw your attention...

parami's picture

Ordinations at Bodh Gaya

From Order Connection on Wed, 31 Jan, 2018 - 17:47

Ordinations at Bodh Gaya

From Order Connection on Wed, 31 Jan, 2018 - 17:47

Dear Order Members,

We are delighted to let you know that there will be two ordinations taking place during the Order retreat which is now happening here in Bodh Gaya. Bharati Uttam Shetty from Nashik in Maharashtra and Dhangaj Singh from Bharatpur in Rajasthan will be privately ordained on the evening of Thursday 1st of February around 7.30pm local time.

Bharati’s private preceptor will be Dhammacharini Shubhajaya and Dhammachari Amogasiddhi will be private preceptor for Dhangaj....

Narasiha's picture

Notice about Amoghabandhu's Health

From Order Connection on Tue, 30 Jan, 2018 - 14:45

Notice about Amoghabandhu's Health

From Order Connection on Tue, 30 Jan, 2018 - 14:45

Dear friends,
I’m sad to let you know that Amoghabandhu is in hospital and very ill.
He had been having memory loss for a while and was recently diagnosed with autoimmune limbic encephalitis. He had several fits last Thursday and was taken into hospital.
I spoke to his wife Liz this morning and he is still unconscious. Please bear him in mind and send him and his wife and family metta.

Rijupatha's picture

Death of Dhammacharini Dharmalocana

From Order Connection on Tue, 30 Jan, 2018 - 14:43

Death of Dhammacharini Dharmalocana

From Order Connection on Tue, 30 Jan, 2018 - 14:43

Dear Order Members,

I am very sad to inform you that Dhammacharini Dharmalocana passed away on 3rd January 2018 at 3:00pm. She was 84 years old.

She was ordained in 1979 by Sangharakshita - the first woman Order member to be ordained in India - with eight men. This was only the second batch of Order members ordained after Dharmarakshit and Bakul, who were the first two Order members to be ordained in India.

Dhammacharini Dharmalocana was a very...

Candradasa's picture

Now We Are 5: Happy Birthday To The Buddhist Centre Online!

From Buddhist Centre Features on Mon, 29 Jan, 2018 - 13:12

Now We Are 5: Happy Birthday To The Buddhist Centre Online!

From Buddhist Centre Features on Mon, 29 Jan, 2018 - 13:12

The Buddhist Centre Online is officially 5 years old this month! We first started conversations about what to do with Triratna’s web presence in 2008 and launched some limited public test spaces in 2011, gradually adding social media channels for the project and starting to experiment with content for it all. But it wasn’t till January 2013 that we launched the site as it is today, and we’re going to mark our first big birthday each month with a series of looks...

Sadayasihi's picture

Ordination Training Centres Exploring Triratna @ 50 - Ordination Vows and the Great Gathering

From Community Highlights on Mon, 29 Jan, 2018 - 17:13

2017 saw the celebrations of 50 years of the Triratna Buddhist Community and 2018 sees the 50th anniversary of the Triratna Buddhist Order.  In this context in the Padmaloka Retreat Centre - which runs ordination training retreats for men - members of the Ordination Team gave talks on each of the 4 acceptance vows, recited during one’s public ordination ceremony.  These vows essentialise what it means to be an order member practising within the Triratna Buddhist Order.  The...

lokamitra's picture

The Dragon Arising - the Ambedkarite Movement and the future of Triratna.

From Shabda Articles on Mon, 29 Jan, 2018 - 11:50

The Dragon Arising - the Ambedkarite Movement and the future of Triratna.

From Shabda Articles on Mon, 29 Jan, 2018 - 11:50

The battle is in the fullest sense spiritual. There is nothing material or social in it. For ours is a battle not for wealth or for power. It is a battle for freedom. It is a battle for the reclamation of the human personality.”  (Dr. Ambedkar - from a speech made at the All-India Depressed Classes Conference)

The Dragon Arising - the Ambedkarite Movement and the future of Triratna.

I came to live and work in India in August 1978 because I saw...
