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Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Turning the Wheel of the Dharma

From London Buddhist Centre on Thu, 25 Jul, 2013 - 01:00
Talk given at the LBC's Women's Night Class July 18th 2013
Munisha's picture

Urgent! Help needed to prepare Adhisthana for opening

From Triratna News on Tue, 23 Jul, 2013 - 02:56

Urgent! Help needed to prepare Adhisthana for opening

From Triratna News on Tue, 23 Jul, 2013 - 02:56Danasamudra is the administrator at Adhisthana, in Herefordshire. She writes:

“As we get near to the opening of Adhisthana (3 & 4th August) we are very much in need of help from volunteers to make sure it’s ready in time.

We need people to do a variety of jobs including cleaning, moving furniture and preparing rooms, tidying the garden and grounds, unpacking deliveries and putting things away. There are probably other tasks too but these...
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Science, Dharma, Nonsense, and 21st Century Cults of Unreason

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Tue, 23 Jul, 2013 - 00:00
The fourth in a series of talks on Buddhism and Science at the Bristol Buddhist Centre
prasadachitta's picture

Three Big Sadhus

From San Francisco Buddhist Center on Mon, 22 Jul, 2013 - 19:46

Three Big Sadhus

From San Francisco Buddhist Center on Mon, 22 Jul, 2013 - 19:46
Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu
prasadachitta's picture

Ordinations at SFBC

From San Francisco Buddhist Center on Mon, 22 Jul, 2013 - 19:41

Ordinations at SFBC

From San Francisco Buddhist Center on Mon, 22 Jul, 2013 - 19:41
Three Ordinations Yesterday at the SFBC

Satyavasini (Elaine)
“She who dwells in truth of reality”
Munisha's picture

Help Sahaja become a counsellor

From Triratna News on Sat, 20 Jul, 2013 - 00:10

Help Sahaja become a counsellor

From Triratna News on Sat, 20 Jul, 2013 - 00:10Could you help Sahaja with money to finish his counselling course?


Samudradaka writes:
“Many of you will know Sahaja from his striking sculptures housed in various Triratna centres. You may also know him from his equally striking personality!

Recently Sahaja has been training as a counsellor, something he is finding very inspiring and fulfilling. From what his tutors say, it’s also something he is very good at. He now only needs to...
Andrea@Karuna's picture

A summer of abundant fundraising at Karuna

From Triratna News on Fri, 19 Jul, 2013 - 09:24

A summer of abundant fundraising at Karuna

From Triratna News on Fri, 19 Jul, 2013 - 09:24At last the UK is basking in abundant summer sunshine. Here at Karuna we’re basking in the warm glow of a summer of abundant fundraising.

Since April, Karuna fundraisers have signed up 280 new donors who’ve connected with Karuna’s work through conversations with a Karuna fundraiser they’ve met on their doorstep. And a team of phone fundraisers calling from our London office have inspired 684 Karuna donors to increase their existing donation. In total they will have...
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

The Wheel of Life. The Hub

From Croydon Buddhist Centre on Thu, 18 Jul, 2013 - 00:00
Part 2 of a series of four talks on the Wheel of Life. This talk on The Hub was originally recorded in December 2003. Part of the Croydon Buddhist Centre Digital Archive Project
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

The Wheel of Life. Ethics

From Croydon Buddhist Centre on Thu, 18 Jul, 2013 - 00:00
Part 1 of a series of four talks on the Wheel of Life. This talk on Ethics was originally recorded in December 2003. Part of the Croydon Buddhist Centre Digital Archive Project
