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Part 3 of a 4-part series. An excellent talk from Dhammarati on the Dharma Jewel, with an emphasis on the practical and experiential. Pratitya samutpada is not a view, but a verifiable fact of our experience. This conditionality implies a natural current in reality that unfolds towards liberation.
Dhammarati explores how the Triratna System of Practice supports this process of unfolding by setting up the conditions for something new to emerge.
Talk given on the Men's Going for Refuge Retreat at Aryaloka Buddhist Center, 2013
Part 4 of a 4-part series. A beautiful talk from Narottama on sangha and spiritual friendship, and how our Dharma brothers and sisters can challenge us and support us to grow in ways we might never have expected.
Talk given on the Men's Going for Refuge Retreat at Aryaloka Buddhist Center, 2013
What is the response of your four volume Buddhist documentary films which I translated in Hindi?
I’m afraid I have yet to find a means to reach Hindi speakers or readers. The films, the History of the FWBO series, covering the early years 1964 to 1979, have been available in DVD with several languages built in, have been for several years. That includes Hindi for...
From Triratna News on Sat, 23 Nov, 2013 - 00:03Earlier this year, Upekshapriya took over as director of The Clear Vision Trust, in Manchester, UK. Clear Vision is a Triratna video project, providing Buddhst video for Triratna and for schools.
As the longest-standing member of the team, Upekshapriya has shown enormous commitment and dedication; since 1997 he’s worked as cameraman, video editor and director as well as providing the team with IT support. He works alongiside Munisha (previous director and still education officer) and Graham Dellow...
From Triratna News on Fri, 22 Nov, 2013 - 15:19With sadness we report the death of Candrasri, in Cambridge, UK, on Monday 18th November, aged 68.
Candrasri’s funeral will take place at Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Monday, 2nd December at 12 noon, with a memorial service on Wednesday 18th December at 7.30pm.
Candrasri was ordained at Akashavana in the summer of 2012 and was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer shortly after.
According to her preceptor Viryaprabha, “Candrasri faced death in the way that she...