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vajratara's picture

Why ordination? Why an Order?

From Tiratanaloka on Tue, 11 Feb, 2014 - 14:08
Last weekend Tiratanaloka hosted a weekend for women mitras exploring why we have an Order and what ordination into the Triratna Buddhist Order involves. Listen to Maitreyi’s talk from the weekend - great for those thinking of asking for Ordination, those who are training for Ordination and those who want to ponder the significance of being Ordained!
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Kalyana Mitrata

From London Buddhist Centre on Tue, 11 Feb, 2014 - 00:00
Talk given at the LBC Women's Night Class Thursday February 6th 2014
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmic Receptivity Series Week 3

From London Buddhist Centre on Tue, 11 Feb, 2014 - 00:00
Talk given at the LBC's Dharma Night Class February 10th 2014
vajratara's picture

UK South Western Region Dharmacharinis

From Order Connection on Mon, 10 Feb, 2014 - 18:02

UK South Western Region Dharmacharinis (group)

From Order Connection on Mon, 10 Feb, 2014 - 18:02

This is a group for Dharmacharinis living in the South Western Region of the UK & Ireland. It has recently been formed after the Western region split.  It stretches from South Wales to Cornwall. You have to be a Dharmacharini living in the South Western region to see these pages. If you are and you can’t get get on, please contact one of the administrators.

Maitreyasagar's picture




From TRIRATNA BOUDDHA MAHASANGA (SOUTH/WEST) NAGPUR on Sun, 9 Feb, 2014 - 11:23Mitraday was organised by all the mitraconveners in Nagpuron 2 nd february 2014 for all men and women Dhammamitras around nagpur. Nearly 300men and women dhammamitras were presenton this occasion.. The theme of day was SPIRITUAL RECEPTIVITY. Dhammacharini Vijaya gave talk on this occasion.—NAGKETU
vajratara's picture

Simplicity of Lifestyle

From Tiratanaloka on Sat, 8 Feb, 2014 - 23:34
This is a recent talk from Tiratanaloka - given by Amritamati on a weekend retreat in January. She came back from Triratna’s first Anagarika convention in December inspired and enthusiastic about exploring simplicity and contentment for those living in every kind of lifestyle.
guhyapati's picture

Nature Connection Bursary for Young People

From ecodharma on Fri, 7 Feb, 2014 - 14:35

Nature Connection Bursary for Young People

From ecodharma on Fri, 7 Feb, 2014 - 14:35The Ecodharma Centre has established a new bursary fund to enable young people to take part in nature connection retreats. Awards are available from April this year to attend both the Ecodharma Wildcamp and the Meeting the Wild retreat.

The centre’s nature based practice series is a core strand of its work. “Ecodharma is all about connection,” explains Guhyapati, the centre director. “Living in times characterized by alienation, we see much of our...
Rijupatha's picture

Server Move Nearly Complete: What You Should Know (Webmasters)

From Triratna Resources on Wed, 5 Feb, 2014 - 20:47

Server Move Nearly Complete: What You Should Know (Webmasters)

From Triratna Resources on Wed, 5 Feb, 2014 - 20:47

All of us at Dharmachakra are happy to report that we are nearly done transferring to our new server, which will be the faster, better and more stable home for your website. We’re very excited to have been able to partner with Metta Engine on this move and improve our service for you even more.

As part of this process, within the next week we’ll be making some improvements in security for...

acalavajri's picture

new year and new plans

From Akashavana on Tue, 4 Feb, 2014 - 20:50

new year and new plans

From Akashavana on Tue, 4 Feb, 2014 - 20:50Hello from Manigarbha and I, back in community after a winter break.
We started the holiday with a trip to the Netherlands for a week of friendship and culture … it was the annual ‘International Documentary Festival’ and having been starved of culture for a while, it was just the treat we needed. That together with seeing good friends was very nourishing.

From there we went to UK, firstly to Tiratanaloka to meet with the ‘envisioners’ and do...
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmic Receptivity Series Week 2

From London Buddhist Centre on Tue, 4 Feb, 2014 - 00:00
Talk given at the LBC's Dharma Night Class Monday February 3rd 2014
