Welcome to this space for Buddhist families in Triratna!
There are so many lovely Triratna families that have enriched our community - pioneering family life in the sangha, giving support to other families when practice is difficult, and creating opportunities for parents and children to engage. This space is a chance to celebrate all that we've done and to look towards the future and the next generation of baby bodhisattvas!
In this space we hope to:
- Provide opportunities for children, parents (and grandparents!) to connect and network to discuss their Dharma lives within Triratna.
- Provide helpful resources for family Dharma practice.
- Promote family events at Triratna centres - with ideas for activities, downloadable courses and other resources, and important information for Centres leading groups for young ones and older ones.
- Keep Triratna families informed about events, gatherings, and important developments for families in our community.
Guidelines for sharing in this space
We’d really encourage you to share what resources work well for you and your centres, as well as any challenges you've encountered. Please don’t use this space to promote your own Dharma teaching - this is an intentional space where we can genuinely connect with each other and specifically with the material in the course or related issues in Triratna. If you have something to share, please make sure that as much as possible it’s on the basis of your own practice and is relevant to the topic under discussion. You can review our Community Guidelines to get a feel for the spirit we’d like to foster in this space.