Triratna International Gathering 2019: Alchemy of the Dharma
Triratna International Gathering 2019: Alchemy of the Dharma
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Programme Triratna International Gathering 22-26 August

With Alchemy of the Dharma as overall theme we already have a lovely line-up of events and more to come as time moves on. 
What we already know about the programme for definite:

  • 3 TALKS
    Transforming Self - by Ratnaguna
    Transforming Through Sangha - by Sanghamani
    Transforming World - by Prasadacarin
  • Short talks about the transformative power of the Dharma in Latin America and India
  • Event on Bhante as Alchemist - by Maitreyabandhu and others
  • Various workshops such as
    Blake - Satyalila and Ratnaprabha 
    Meditation with the Vajraloka team
    Mindful communication - Jayaraja
    Philosophy - Vidyaruci
    Study with Saccanama
    Writing - Satyalila and others
  • Activities for kids
  • Chai and pancakes stall - Buddhafield
  • Concerts
  • Storytelling by Jayaraja and Lokabandhu

We will post more information as it becomes available.