contact us + give feedback

contact us + give feedback

We have a lot of polishing and developing still to do on our new site, but it feels good to be live now for all users!

Before getting in touchcheck out our roadmap for regularly updated notes on known issues and our progress with this 'beta' version.

If you are having technical issues using the site, please contact us here and we’ll do our best to support you and resolve things. While we're in this preview phase, some issues can likely be resolved by switching back to the old site via your user menu (top right of any screen), but do feel free to let us know anyway. It’s useful if you can send us a note of what device and web browser you are using. 

If youʼve any feedback on the new site – or suggestions for content – we'd be glad to hear your thoughts. We won’t be able to respond to all feedback but we promise to give it our attention and we may be in touch for more information.

Subscribe to our Triratna Highlights newsletter to hear news of the latest curated content, live events, opportunities for online practice, and community Dharma. It's where you'll also get a sneak peek of our plans to develop The Buddhist Centre Online over the years to come.

We look forward to serving you online with the best of the Dharma in these new spaces. 🙏

Dharmachakra Team 2024: Amaya, Candradasa, Dassini, Dave Chang, Dayaketu, Kamalavajra, Kusaladevi,. Samudradaka, Sanghadhara, Silasiri, Zac Pomphrey, ViriyalilaDharmachakra Team 2024: Amaya, Candradasa, Dassini, Dave Chang, Dayaketu, Kamalavajra, Kusaladevi,. Samudradaka, Sanghadhara, Silasiri, Zac Pomphrey, Viriyalila