Experiencing the Power of Sangha: The Triratna International Gathering

"At the heart of our movement is friendship and Sangha and being [at the Triratna International Gathering] is a really strong experience of a positive community. There's a lot of love and generosity and mutual help...and you can't do that by email or Facebook...You have to be together and eat together and sit together, be in the shrine room with 340 people and meditate together, chant together to experience the power of Sangha and mutual appreciation and love."

The Triratna International Gathering is a biennial event which brings together large numbers of the Triratna Buddhist Community from around Europe. But what's it like? Here's a short video, with some highlights from the last Gathering in 2017, to give you a flavour of what this inspiring, fun and family friendly event is like.

This year's Gathering takes place on 22 - 26 August at Adhisthana and the theme is 'Alchemy of the Dharma' which aims to help us transform the ‘base material’ of ourselves, our spiritual community, and the wider society into ‘gold’, into ‘personal’ riches, shared riches and the sustaining riches of loving wisdom. The diverse programme includes Dharma talks, workshops, meditation, body work, story-telling, children's activities and much more besides!

Book on to the Triratna International Gathering

+Follow the International Gathering space to stay updated on all the latest details