We would like to offer a warm welcome to the Online Parents Dharma Class which runs the second Sunday of the month.
This class has run regularly for the last 3 years, going online at the start of 2020, just before the pandemic. It would be lovely to have your company.
We plan to have more of a presence here at The Buddhist Centre Online Buddhist Families Space come Jan 2023.
We will be finding ways to ask parents what would be most helpful to you in your practise.
In the meantime please do join us on the link below on Sunday 13th Nov 2022 and Sunday 11th Dec at 10 am-11.30am UK time.
We will have an intro to the team and a new theme around Parenting as Practice. We'll meditate together and have time to connect and share.
Zoom login is the same - below and on the NLBC and LBC websites:
All welcome - do join us – and tell people you know!
With all good wishes and Metta from the team - Vijayacitta, Karunagita Warren, Ben, Steph and Sheena