Norwich Young Buddhists
Norwich Young Buddhists

The Brahma Viharas - a talk by Singhamati

By Maitrisingha on Wed, 20 Aug, 2014 - 17:50

The Brahma Viharas - a talk by Singhamati

By Maitrisingha on Wed, 20 Aug, 2014 - 17:50A 50 minute talk given on the Norwich Young Buddhists August retreat at Norwich Buddhist Centre.

Singhamati introduces the 4 Brahma Viharas:

1.Metta (loving-kindness) 2.Karuna (compassion) 3.Mudita (gladness) 4.Uppeksha (equanimity)

Be sure to watch in HD! (click on the cog, then quality, then HD)

Triratna News
Triratna News

Triratna Young Buddhists: Who are they and what matters to them?

By Munisha on Mon, 21 Jul, 2014 - 22:41

Triratna Young Buddhists: Who are they and what matters to them?

By Munisha on Mon, 21 Jul, 2014 - 22:41In 2008 the Development team, concerned at the lack of young people entering our community, ran a weekend exploring how to inspire more young people in the Dharma.

Thus the Triratna Young Buddhists’ project emerged. It has grown significantly over the last 6 years, with Young Buddhists’ activities now thriving at many Centres, both in the UK and continental Europe, and with single-sex retreats and a large mixed retreat each year.

This spring Singhamati began work as...
Triratna News
Triratna News

Young Buddhists spreading across Europe

By Munisha on Thu, 17 Jul, 2014 - 14:01

Young Buddhists spreading across Europe

By Munisha on Thu, 17 Jul, 2014 - 14:01The push to make Triratna and the Dharma more accessible to those 18-35 has been remarkably successful in just a few years.

Have a look at this list of groups in Belgium, Germany, Sweden and the UK.

Now they’re considering how to address the needs of teenagers.

Triratna Young Buddhists
Triratna Young Buddhists

#bigfuturebuddhanow 2014 International Young Buddhists Retreat: 7-9th Nov at Adhisthana

By Singhamati on Wed, 9 Jul, 2014 - 13:46

#bigfuturebuddhanow 2014 International Young Buddhists Retreat: 7-9th Nov at Adhisthana

By Singhamati on Wed, 9 Jul, 2014 - 13:46Come along engage with others, generate energy and enthusiasm. Meet old friends and make new ones whilst practicing at Triratna’s new spiritual home - Adhisthana.

This year we’re dreaming: what is a big future, how do we get there, why and how do we need the Buddha now? What is it that helps us find meaning and fulfilment in our lives, be part of something worth doing and live a life less ordinary.

Find out, join in, live...
Triratna News
Triratna News

Who are the Young Facilitators?

By Munisha on Sat, 10 May, 2014 - 00:08

Who are the Young Facilitators?

By Munisha on Sat, 10 May, 2014 - 00:08On the first weekend in April this year Adhisthana welcomed a gathering of 35 “Young Facilitators”.

The Young Facilitators are young Mitras and Order members engaged with inspiring young people to meet and practise the Dharma through running activities and groups for young people at their local centres. They gather together every year to share ideas, inspire each other and build friendships which, they hope, are the basis of the next generation of the Triratna Buddhist Community.

Triratna Young Buddhists
Triratna Young Buddhists

The Five Stages of the Path - Young People's Meditation Week with Kamalashila, Singhasri, Balajit & Sraddhasiddhi: June 6 - 13 £295

By Singhamati on Fri, 11 Apr, 2014 - 15:45

The Five Stages of the Path - Young People's Meditation Week with Kamalashila, Singhasri, Balajit & Sraddhasiddhi: June 6 - 13 £295

By Singhamati on Fri, 11 Apr, 2014 - 15:45This retreat, for anyone aged 18-35, is an opportunity to deepen our meditation practice alongside other younger practitioners, with input and guidance from both young and more senior teachers.

After last year’s very successful weekend we are pleased to offer this retreat as a week-long event. Join us in an in-depth exploration of the five stages of the spiritual path, as articulated by Sangharakshita. Through the five stages we learn to establish a solid foundation...
Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Triratna Day Podcast No.1 - Young Buddhists Retreat

By Candradasa on Sun, 6 Apr, 2014 - 22:15
The first of two podcasts from today’s celebrations of Triratna Day, marking the 47th anniversary of the Triratna Buddhist Community! Here’s Ivan and the facilitators from the big Young Buddhists Retreat that’s been going on this weekend at Adhisthana

Subscribe to our podcast via iTunes or via RSS

The Young Buddhists initiative is an inspiring project within Triratna for anyone under 35 to come together and find supportf or...
Triratna Young Buddhists
Triratna Young Buddhists

Buddha & The Future of His Religion

By vajratara on Sat, 15 Mar, 2014 - 14:26

Buddha & The Future of His Religion

By vajratara on Sat, 15 Mar, 2014 - 14:26Do you want the Dharma to bring about change for good in society? There are still places left on this retreat where we will look at the key teachings of both Sangharakshita and Dr Ambedkar as important Buddhists who have significant things to say about bringing Buddhism to the modern world. Both of them chose Buddhism as the most relevant and helpful religion for the modern age. As Dr Ambedkar says ‘to spread Buddhism is to serve mankind.’

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Young Buddhists Wanted!

By Candradasa on Tue, 18 Feb, 2014 - 17:16

Young Buddhists Wanted!

By Candradasa on Tue, 18 Feb, 2014 - 17:16Over on the Young Buddhists space, Singhamati has launched her brilliant survey aimed at anyone between the ages of 14-35 and designed to help you make your voice heard as part of us all shaping the future of Triratna together. She writes:

“Are you between 14-35 years old and have you had some contact with the Triratna Buddhist Community either at a centre, group or online? Would you help us by giving 15 minutes of...
Triratna Young Buddhists
Triratna Young Buddhists

Survey: Shaping the Future of Triratna

By Singhamati on Mon, 17 Feb, 2014 - 13:06

Are you between 14-35 years old and have you had some contact with the Triratna Buddhist Community either at a centre, group or online?
Would you help us by giving 15 minutes of your time?

A new and exciting fundraising campaign to raise one million pounds is about to be launched to offer life-changing, life-enhancing opportunities to YOU and other young people interested in Buddhism. To help us to prioritise what projects to fund for young people, we would like your help to find out about you and what you think.

In this survey we’ll ask questions about who you are; what is important to you; what your involvement in Buddhism has been; what works and doesn’t work for you; and what sort of projects you would like to get involved in. Please add your voice today and be part of shaping the future of Triratna for young people

Simply visit

Thank you for contributing.

Young Persons’ Co-ordinator
Triratna Development Teamyoungtriratna [at] (
