Community Highlights
Community Highlights

LBC Chair's Call for Peace

By Suryat on Fri, 27 Oct, 2023 - 20:11

LBC Chair's Call for Peace

By Suryat on Fri, 27 Oct, 2023 - 20:11

In response to the unfolding conflict in the Middle East, LBC Chair Suryagupta shares teachings from the Buddha on cycles of hatred, and the possibility of peace.

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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: Radical Kindness In a Violent World

By Sadayasihi on Sat, 4 Jul, 2020 - 14:00

“The creative mind loves when there is no reason to love.” Sangharakshita

Viryajyoti gives the second talk in a series on Compassion for a Modern Word on a theme close to her heart. The Bodhisattva aim is to free all beings from suffering – what about here and now in the 21st century? What is radical kindness? What would it be like to be radically kind?

The Buddha represents the spiritual ideal of Buddhism and through his life and teaching he exemplified...

Triratna International Council
Triratna International Council

Buddhist Voices: Abhayadana - Giving the Gift of Fearlessness to Women in India

By Candradasa on Mon, 9 Sep, 2019 - 13:01

A great conversation with the quietly brilliant Abhayadana about her Buddhist work and practice in India. Her name means ‘Giver of Fearlessness’ - and this is something she has dedicated her life to, helping support and free women in her community from the stigma of social caste and the violence that often goes with it.

We hear about her personal approach via meditation and reflection on the Buddhist figure of Kshitigarbha (Jizo) who descends into hell realms to liberate suffering beings. And...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Owning Your Shadow

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 11 Feb, 2019 - 14:00

In today’s FBA Dharmabyte, is from a talk given by Vijayasri as a follow up to a showing of Sangharakshita’s video on Buddhism, world peace and nuclear war. In Owning Your Shadow Vijayasri explores the concepts of violence and non-violence as aspects of the power mode / love mode relationship, and looks at the Jungian concept of the shadow. We examine the idea that change is possible, but that growth and development requires personal...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Abhayanavita on Working With Women and Girls to Step Free of Discrimination and Sexual Violence in India - The Buddhist Centre Podcast

By sanghadhara on Tue, 13 Feb, 2018 - 07:04

Abhayanavita has been involved with Triratna as a community since the age of 13. In her early days she learned to face her own difficult past with a fearlessness that is now reflected in her Buddhist name. She also learned to fight back against social injustice and gender discrimination via the Ashvaghosha project, educating people with plays and songs. 

These days she continues that work in new ways, working at the Bahujan Hitay Project in her home town of Amravati...

Portsmouth Buddhist Center
Portsmouth Buddhist Center

Sangha Morning - Imagination In Action

By Candradasa on Wed, 15 Jun, 2016 - 21:36

Sangha Morning - Imagination In Action

By Candradasa on Wed, 15 Jun, 2016 - 21:36

This Sunday morning (10am-12pm), as part of our involvement with Triratna’s participation in Buddhist Action Month (BAM!), we’ll be looking at bridging the gap between imagination and action. In a difficult week here in the U.S., with extreme violence near at hand, we’ll be engaging with Metta as a radical way to connect with others, and calling forth a sense of urgency to explore together how we might help bring forth a more peaceful world.

Come and help us build our community, and take a...

Portsmouth Buddhist Center
Portsmouth Buddhist Center

Reflecting On Peace - A Sangha Gathering for Memorial Day

By Candradasa on Thu, 26 May, 2016 - 14:58

Reflecting On Peace - A Sangha Gathering for Memorial Day

By Candradasa on Thu, 26 May, 2016 - 14:58

To mark Memorial Day this year, we’ll be having s special sangha gathering this Sunday to meditate together, and then reflect on the Buddha’s message of non-violence as the only truly viable way to peace. In the Commentaries of the Anguttara Nikaya and the Samyutta Nikaya we hear tale of the Buddha intervening in a dispute between rival clans and helping prevent a full-scale war. You can listen to a talk about this by Sangharakshita here:


Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: The Diamond Throne

By Rijupatha on Mon, 9 Mar, 2015 - 14:47

FBA Podcast: The Diamond Throne

By Rijupatha on Mon, 9 Mar, 2015 - 14:47Subscribe to the FBA Podcast

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Does Buddhism have anything to say about the recent attacks in Paris? What about liberal democracy; does Buddhism agree? Our FBA Podcast this week, “The Diamond Throne” explores these very questions. With characteristic intelligence and sensitivity, Chairman of the Centre Jnanavaca launches 2015 by exploring such issues via the vision of the Vajrasana – the diamond throne.
Triratna News
Triratna News

Making a Statement on Buddhist Violence against Muslims in Burma

By Munisha on Thu, 24 Oct, 2013 - 12:15
The continuing violence by Buddhists against Muslims in Burma has been viewed with dismay by many Buddhists worldwide. Non-Buddhists, familiar with Buddhism’s reputation for non-violence, have found it baffling.

There have been occasional requests to Triratna Buddhist Centres for statements condemning this violence. After considerable deliberation, and with strong encouragement from Triratna’s founder, Sangharakshita, four writers have arrived at a text, signed individually by him and a number of preceptors, east and west. This is not a statement on...
European Chairs' Assembly
European Chairs' Assembly

Statement on Buddhist Violence against Muslims in Burma

By Munisha on Wed, 23 Oct, 2013 - 16:33

The continuing violence by Buddhists against Muslims in Burma has been viewed with dismay by many Buddhists worldwide. Non-Buddhists, familiar with Buddhism’s reputation for non-violence, have found it baffling.

There have been occasional requests from members of the public for statements from Triratna Buddhist Centres, condemning this violence.

After some considerable deliberation about the purpose and nature of such a statement, and with strong encouragement from Subhuti and our founder Sangharakshita, we have arrived at a...
