Urthona - A Journal of Buddhism and the Arts
Urthona - A Journal of Buddhism and the Arts

Urthona 37 out soon!

By Ratnagarbha on Mon, 6 Jan, 2025 - 10:58

Urthona 37 out soon!

By Ratnagarbha on Mon, 6 Jan, 2025 - 10:58

The Dharma of Fantasy

Our issue on fantasy literature, issue 37, is almost ready to be printed!

There will be amazing articles on :

* Addiction and renunciation in The Lord of the Rings by Dayajava

* The Oxford Inklings and the quest for mythic renewal by Ratnagarbha

* Finding love, patience & forgiveness through fantasy, by Maitriyogini

* Wonderful mythic artwork from Vishuddimati and Moksananda

With fantastic artwork , including this rendition of ‘the eye of Sauron’ by Stirzocular –www.deviantart.com/stirzocular/gallery

Subscribe at www.urthona.com

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Preorder the New Issue of Urthona 'Unknown Landscapes'

By Centre Team on Tue, 20 Dec, 2022 - 14:44

Preorder the New Issue of Urthona 'Unknown Landscapes'

By Centre Team on Tue, 20 Dec, 2022 - 14:44

Urthona Issue 36 ‘Unknown Landscapes’ will be out just after Xmas. 

Landscapes move and uplift us in ways that are hard to pin down. Artists explore such emotional responses and bring clarity, awareness and transformational depth to the process. They help us to make the appreciation of landscape more conscious and meaningful. 

As Christopher Neve in his wonderful book ‘Unquiet Landscape’ says of the work of Paul Nash: ‘pictures, like the landscape itself, enunciate with the greatest clarity a language that is beyond words.’ 

Join us soon to discover...

Urthona - A Journal of Buddhism and the Arts
Urthona - A Journal of Buddhism and the Arts

Allen Ginsberg – letting Imagination go...

By Ratnagarbha on Mon, 22 Mar, 2021 - 10:38

Allen Ginsberg – letting Imagination go...

By Ratnagarbha on Mon, 22 Mar, 2021 - 10:38

Highlight from new edition of Urthona magazine ‘American Zen’

see www.urthona.com to order issue 35 and read full article by Acarasiddhi

Acarasiddhi (Tony Press) of the Triratna Buddhist Order grew up in 1950s California. He was too young to be at the famous reading in City Lights bookshop when Ginsgerg’s Howl was unveiled, but he remembers very well the heady atmosphere of 1950s California when the world was opening up in all directions (land, space, imagination…)

Acarasiddhi goes on to give us a vivid...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Urthona Buddhist Arts Journal Published as E-Magazine

By Sadayasihi on Wed, 6 Jan, 2021 - 17:05

Urthona Buddhist Arts Journal Published as E-Magazine

By Sadayasihi on Wed, 6 Jan, 2021 - 17:05

“The truth of Zen, just a little bit of it, is what turns one’s humdrum life, a life of monotonous, uninspiring commonplaceness, into one of art, full of genuine inner creativity.”

- D. T. Suzuki

This year Urthona Buddhist arts magazine has been published in virtual form as an e-magazine - due to many Buddhist centres (where most of the printed copies are sold) being still closed. 

Ratnagarbha, the Journal’s editor, writes:

We made...
Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

5 Years of the Buddhist Centre Online: #8 Wisdom Beyond Words

By Sadayasihi on Wed, 29 Aug, 2018 - 15:30

5 Years of the Buddhist Centre Online: #8 Wisdom Beyond Words

By Sadayasihi on Wed, 29 Aug, 2018 - 15:30

“The culmination of wisdom is freedom from all views. You have nothing to say. When all the answers are in your being, you have no need to keep them in your head.” - Sangharakshita (Seminar on The Door of Liberation)

The goal of Buddhism is the attainment of Enlightenment - but what is Enlightenment? One way of describing it is seeing the true nature of reality and living in accordance with that vision. An Enlightened being is free...

Urthona - A Journal of Buddhism and the Arts
Urthona - A Journal of Buddhism and the Arts

Urthona Sci-Fi and Fantasy issue JUST PUBLISHED

By Ratnagarbha on Mon, 28 Aug, 2017 - 11:50

Urthona Sci-Fi and Fantasy issue JUST PUBLISHED

By Ratnagarbha on Mon, 28 Aug, 2017 - 11:50

URTHONA ISSUE 34, the Science Fiction issue, OUT NOW:

LAUNCH EVENING: 16th February 7.30 prompt in Festival Theatre, Cambridge Buddhist Centre. 

Don’t miss this unique arts evening of cosmic music, poetry, science fiction, & the dharma! (Don’t worry if you are not an SF fan especially this evening has something for all arts lovers with fine music, poetry and conversation.)

Launch of Urthona Buddhist arts magazine issue 34 on Buddhism and science fiction
Readings by...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Drumroll please for the latest edition of Urthona Buddhist Arts Magazine

By Aryanisha on Mon, 17 Apr, 2017 - 09:10

Drumroll please for the latest edition of Urthona Buddhist Arts Magazine

By Aryanisha on Mon, 17 Apr, 2017 - 09:10

Make sure you get your hands on the latest edition of Urthona Buddhist Arts Magazine, to be released in May. Issue 33, The Friendship Issue, is set to be a real delight - with treats from Sahajatara, Maitreyabandhu, Ratnagarbha, Amitajyoti and more.

Editor Ratnagarbha writes “Friendship is being talked about again. But do we really know what it is? And what really has it got to do with the arts – for haven’t artists, after all, always been eccentric loners who bordered...

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Into New Year With The Buddhist Centre Online

By Rijupatha on Mon, 30 Dec, 2013 - 15:15

Into New Year With The Buddhist Centre Online

By Rijupatha on Mon, 30 Dec, 2013 - 15:15

The latest issue of the Triratna Highlights newsletter, taking us into the new year, is fresh off the digital presses! If you’re signed up to receive it via email, it should be in your inbox now. If you’re not signed up, you can find the web version here, or go to ‘my profile’ (top right of any page when you are logged in), choose ‘edit’ and check the ‘Newsletter sign up’ box.

The newsletter gathers together some of the best...

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Urthona Essays on Art, Poetry and Consciousness

By Candradasa on Fri, 29 Mar, 2013 - 15:29

Urthona Essays on Art, Poetry and Consciousness

By Candradasa on Fri, 29 Mar, 2013 - 15:29As we start to dream about a reinvigorated Triratna arts scene with a presence (and an effect!) here on The Buddhist Centre Online we were just delighted to discover the new Urthona Essays blog! We’ll be featuring much more from Urthona and their various web manifestations as the arts come into focus here, but for now please enjoy Ratnagarbha’s sterling efforts and his introduction to the blog…

The more ethereal, evanescent, more refined and sublime...
