Adhisthana Kula
Adhisthana Kula

Women, Men and Angels: A Personal Statement by Subhuti

By Subhuti on Fri, 3 Mar, 2017 - 14:07

Women, Men and Angels: A Personal Statement by Subhuti

By Subhuti on Fri, 3 Mar, 2017 - 14:07

Introduction by Parami
In 1994, a book called ‘Women, Men and Angels’ was published, with the subtitle: ‘An Inquiry into the Relative Spiritual Aptitudes of Men and Women’. It was written by Subhuti, a senior Triratna Order Member, with the intention of elaborating on an impression or ‘idea’ that had originally come from Sangharakshita. While I am sure this was not Subhuti’s intention, the book had a painful effect on many people – especially women – even causing some to...

Adhisthana Kula
Adhisthana Kula

Sangharakshita and the Shadow of the Past

By saddhaloka on Thu, 2 Mar, 2017 - 15:19

Sangharakshita and the Shadow of the Past

By saddhaloka on Thu, 2 Mar, 2017 - 15:19

An honest, thoughtful and heartfelt talk by Vishvapani exploring current issues. We recommend that you listen to it, and encourage others to listen to it.

Download from Free Buddhist Audio

Adhisthana Kula
Adhisthana Kula

Introducing the Adhisthana Kula

By ratnadharini on Tue, 28 Feb, 2017 - 23:02

Introducing the Adhisthana Kula

By ratnadharini on Tue, 28 Feb, 2017 - 23:02

The Triratna Buddhist Order now numbers over 2,000 members in around 30 countries, and the associated Community is many times bigger. This presents quite a challenge when a situation arises requiring the sharing of complex information and wide-ranging discussion among all involved – as has recently happened following the broadcast of a BBC local TV programme in the UK.

‘Inside Out’, on 26th September 2016, included a 12-minute report referring to accounts of sexual misconduct in the early...

Adhisthana Kula
Adhisthana Kula

A Conversation With The Adhisthana Kula

By Centre Team on Tue, 28 Feb, 2017 - 21:49

The Adhisthana Kula is a new group made up of some of the most experienced members of the Triratna Buddhist Order, meeting together to help the community find lasting reconciliation in the face of renewed interest in historical controversies and some of the issues arising from them.

We hear Dhammarati, Lokeshvara, Mahamati, Parami, Ratnadharini and Saddhaloka share thoughtful perspectives on the work ahead, considering what is required to meet any suffering involved, to promote good communication around difficulties, and to encourage confidence...

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Sangharakshita and the Shadow of the Past

By Candradasa on Mon, 27 Feb, 2017 - 19:06

A strong, moving, nuanced set of perspectives from Vishvapani on areas of historical controversy in the FWBO/Triratna, especially those involving our founder, Sangharakshita. 

The talk spans Vishvapani’s long involvement with the community in both its light and “shadow” aspects - from first coming across the Dharma in Croydon, UK, at the age of 14 in the 1980s until the present day. It is in many ways a timely look at the past and the present, rooted in the...

Mitra Support
Mitra Support

Sangharakshita and the Shadow of the Past by Vishvapani

By Candradasa on Mon, 27 Feb, 2017 - 19:01

A strong, moving, nuanced set of perspectives from Vishvapani on areas of historical controversy in the FWBO/Triratna, especially those involving our founder, Sangharakshita. 

The talk spans Vishvapani’s long involvement with the community in both its light and “shadow” aspects - from first coming across the Dharma in Croydon, UK, at the age of 14 in the 1980s until the present day. It is in many ways a timely look at the past and the present, rooted in the...

European Chairs' Assembly
European Chairs' Assembly

Summary of the winter 2017 ECA meeting at Adhisthana

By Mokshini on Wed, 18 Jan, 2017 - 17:46

Here is a summary report of the topics and sessions that took place over the recent winter meeting of the European Chairs Assembly at Adhisthana, from 5-12 January 2017. Feel free to share with your sanghas or centre teams. 

London Buddhist Centre
London Buddhist Centre

'Just Then Or Not At All'

By Singhamanas on Fri, 13 Jan, 2017 - 11:29

'Just Then Or Not At All'

By Singhamanas on Fri, 13 Jan, 2017 - 11:29

Fifty years ago this April, Sangharakshita founded a new Buddhist movement that was to change the lives of thousands of people. What fostered such unlikely success? Singhamanas on a unique point in history

We already know the story of the Swinging Sixties: LSD, the CND, Beats, Beatles and baby-boomers. Maybe we’re even familiar with the story of Sangharakshita, the founder of the community that the London Buddhist Centre is a part of: the young British signalman going AWOL after...

European Chairs' Assembly
European Chairs' Assembly

The winter 2017 chairs meeting comes to an end

By Mokshini on Thu, 12 Jan, 2017 - 10:59

We have come to the end of the winter 2017 European Chairs Assembly meeting at Adhisthana.  As I write the chairs are packing their bags and getting ready to go - and I am sure they will be taking their recharged energy, friendship and inspiration back out into the world!  It has been another rich, full week, ending last night with a concluding ritual in the shrine room where we recited the Transference and Merit verse in different languages. Here,...

European Chairs' Assembly
European Chairs' Assembly

'Leadership' - What Is It?

By Mokshini on Tue, 10 Jan, 2017 - 07:16

It’s day 3 at the ECA’s winter meeting at Adhisthana, and in today’s podcast Dassini is ‘having a wee chat’ with Arthavadin and Subhadassi; chairs of Manchester and Brighton Buddhist Centre respectively. 

The topic is leadership - the chairs have explored this over the last 2 days at the meeting including two workshops led by the above, aimed at giving those present some insight into what leadership is, the different ways it can manifest, and what kind of leader we ourselves...
