So many Triratna sanghas from every corner of the world are participating in this year’s Urban Retreat! You can see a gallery of everyone waving hello from their corner here…
The College of Public Preceptors arrived at Adhisthana on Monday for their 10 day bi-annual meeting, many having travelled from India, Australasia, Mainland Europe and North America.
+Follow the Triratna Preceptors’ College for the next 8 days at for a series of interviews with those attending, to hear more about them and their work and it’s relevance to Triratna and the world…
In the final installment of our long-running series on the Six Emphases of Triratna, this week’s FBA Podcast features Padmakumara in a talk entitled “What is Triratna Buddhism?”.
Padmakumara wraps it all up neatly with his own perspectives on what Triratna’s approach to Buddhist principle and practice is.
Parami delivers an excellent talk that reflects on how Triratna’s approach squares up with that of other traditions, and how we might continue to work on our practice of...
Subhuti gives a rousing talk on some of the history behind team-based Right Livelihood within the Triratna Buddhist Movement. He then goes on to explain why it is so important; because it represents an opportunity to live a ‘full’ Buddhist life for...
Claudine Edwards tells us her story of Team-Based Right Livelihood in today’s FBA Dharmabyte entitled “Lama’s Pyjamas: A Story of Right Livelihood”. From the longer talk “New Society Weekend 2011″, this short excerpted talk presents a great example of the benefits and creativity of this way of working, as we continue our exploration of the Six Emphases of Triratna.
Today’s FBA Dharmabyte continues our series on the Six Emphases of Triratna in a talk entitled “Team-Based Right Livelihood”, from the talk “The Six Distinctive Emphases of the FWBO”. Here Sangharakshita draws out the central importance of Right Livelihood in the spiritual life, in particular the Triratna model of team-based Right Livelihood businesses, and what the features of these endeavors should look like.
Here, Manjuvajra highlights the fact that involvement and membership of the Triratna Buddhist Order is open to all, irrespective of gender, colour, sexual orientation, lifestyle, or any other personal characteristic.
Sangharakshita speaks to one of the central emphases of the Triratna Buddhist Community in today’s FBA Dharmabyte podcast, expanding on the meaning of the phrase “Commitment is Primary, Lifestyle is Secondary”. Excerpted from the talk “Twenty Years on the Middle Way”, he explores our tradition’s principle of an Order that places its weight on genuine Going for Refuge rather than the conditions a person was born into or lifestyle.
This special two-month online study is being led by Khemavassika, exploring the Six Emphases of the Triratna Buddhist Community, as described by its founder Sangharakshita. The Six Emphases detail central principles of the Triratna Community, marking what connects us and also what makes us different from other Buddhist traditions.
For those participating, the next study session will be held this Wednesday, September 30th at 3:00 ET / 8:00 UK. (This week will repeat last week’s session because, due to techical difficulties, no one...