Triratna International Council
Triratna International Council

Chanting The Karaniya Metta Sutta

By Centre Team on Wed, 3 Aug, 2016 - 20:21

Rounding off the opening day of the 2016 Triratna International Council, a treat from the team of members of the Order representing India. The Karaniya Metta Sutta - source of the loving kindness practice central to Triratna’s approach to Buddhism and meditation - chanted beautifully in the gathering dark at Adhisthana.

See all posts from the International Council 2016

Triratna Young Buddhists
Triratna Young Buddhists

Sheffield Younger Sangha 6th of Feb

By Prajnaketu on Fri, 29 Jan, 2016 - 15:08

Sheffield Younger Sangha 6th of Feb

By Prajnaketu on Fri, 29 Jan, 2016 - 15:08

‘In the seen only the seen’ - a look at the Bahiya Sutta led by Francis

6pm optional bring ‘n’ share meal

7.30 start

Online Meditators
Online Meditators

Meditations from the Anuruddha Sutta - Week 4, Deeper Into The Breath

By Candradasa on Mon, 27 Jul, 2015 - 14:49

Meditations from the Anuruddha Sutta - Week 4, Deeper Into The Breath

By Candradasa on Mon, 27 Jul, 2015 - 14:49

This Tuesday we continue our six week series of meditations based on the Anuruddha Sutta and the Buddha’s description of how the qualities of a Dharma farer relate to the practices they engage in - especially in meditation itself.

Tuesday 28th July, 2.30pm EST / 7.30pm UK

Add us to your circles on Google + and join the Hangout. We’ll be online 10 minutes before and we’ll sit for about 40 minutes, with an introduction and space for optional...

Online Meditators
Online Meditators

Meditations From The Anuruddha Sutta - Week 3

By Candradasa on Mon, 20 Jul, 2015 - 20:46

Meditations From The Anuruddha Sutta - Week 3

By Candradasa on Mon, 20 Jul, 2015 - 20:46

This Dhamma is for one whose persistence is aroused, not for one who is lazy.’ Thus was it said. With reference to what was it said? There is the case where a person keeps their persistence aroused for abandoning unskillful mental qualities and taking on skillful mental qualities. They are steadfast, solid in their effort, not shirking their duties with regard to skillful mental qualities. ‘This Dhamma is for one whose persistence is aroused, not for one who is lazy.’

Online Meditators
Online Meditators

Meditations From The Anuruddha Sutta - Week 2

By Candradasa on Mon, 13 Jul, 2015 - 20:54

Meditations From The Anuruddha Sutta - Week 2

By Candradasa on Mon, 13 Jul, 2015 - 20:54

This Dhamma is for one who is reclusive, not for one who is entangled.’ Thus was it said. With reference to what was it said? There is the case where a person, when living in seclusion, is visited by persons, nuns, lay men, lay women, kings, royal ministers, sectarians & their disciples. With their mind bent on seclusion, tending toward seclusion, inclined toward seclusion, aiming at seclusion, relishing renunciation, they converse with them only as much as is necessary

Online Meditators
Online Meditators

Meditation Tuesdays - Meditations from the Anuruddha Sutta

By Candradasa on Mon, 6 Jul, 2015 - 22:38

Meditation Tuesdays - Meditations from the Anuruddha Sutta

By Candradasa on Mon, 6 Jul, 2015 - 22:38

On July 7th we’ll be starting a new six week series of meditations based on the Anuruddha Sutta and the Buddha’s description of how the qualities of a Dharma farer relate to the practices they engage in - especially in meditation itself.

This Dhamma is for one who is modest, not for one who is self-aggrandizing. This Dhamma is for one who is content, not for one who is discontent. This Dhamma is for one who is reclusive, not for one

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: Why We Need the New Society

By Rijupatha on Wed, 3 Dec, 2014 - 19:49

FBA Podcast: Why We Need the New Society

By Rijupatha on Wed, 3 Dec, 2014 - 19:49Subscribe to the FBA Podcast

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Grounding his talk in the Kosambiya and Anuruddha suttas in this week’s FBA Podcast entitled “Why We Need the New Society”, Vajragupta guides us through how we can create the conditions for the seeds of selflessness to grow and develop in the framework of the New Society as described by Sangharakshita: communities, centres and working together.
Eight Step Recovery - Using the Buddha's Teachings To Overcome Addiction
Eight Step Recovery - Using the Buddha's Teachings To Overcome Addiction


By Vimalasara on Mon, 18 Nov, 2013 - 04:07
Day two is a meditation on metta, which is loving kindness. We explore cultivating loving kindness towards ourselves by listening to a song about the Metta Sutta. The source of the words of this song is unknown, though it is likely this song was developed from a teaching the Buddha gave on compassion and loving kindness (the Karaniya Metta Sutta). The music is arranged by Kate Munger the founder of the and sung by the Songsters.

Loving Kindness - Blazing Like The Sun
Loving Kindness - Blazing Like The Sun

The Karaniya Metta Sutta in Pali and English (with audio)

The Karaniya Metta Sutta in Pali and English (with audio)

By Candradasa on Wed, 6 Nov, 2013 - 19:09The Buddha recommended that alongside mindfulness practices, anyone wanting to see deeply into the nature of existence should have a regular and strong practice of kindness… Here is the source text for this revolutionary practice (minus a few diacritics!).

The English translation is by Ratnaprabha, the audio by Joe Richardson.

Listen to a talk on the sutta for the Urban Retreat 2013

Buddhist texts in Hindi

By lokabandhu on Mon, 29 Jul, 2013 - 15:18

Here’s a selection of translations into Hindi of Buddhist texts and ceremonies taken from the Pali Canon and used in the Triratna Buddhist Community (Triratna Bauddha Mahasangha). Many thanks to Manidhamma for contributing most of these! Coming shortly are the Dedication Ceremony, Refuges and Precepts, and more.

For other languages please see the main Triratna Translations project at, including groups for Telugu and Marathi
