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Community Highlights
Triratna International Council

ICin5 No.5 - Day Three, Social Engagement and Harmony

By Centre Team on Tue, 1 Sep, 2020 - 22:09

ICin5 No.5 - Day Three, Social Engagement and Harmony

By Centre Team on Tue, 1 Sep, 2020 - 22:09

We’re in Australia and New Zealand for Day 3 of the International Council online! And today we hear about conversations around social engagement as Buddhists: the passion and the potential pitfalls, especially when we prize harmony as a deep value in community.

- Revisiting some working principles from last year from which to engage with issues: 
exemplification, renunciation, awareness, right effort, the precepts, right livelihood, spiritual friendship, ethical speech, conditionality, karma, active compassion.
- Discussing ways we can cultivate non-polarisation in...

Buddhist Action
Buddhist Action

Next month: Engaged Buddhist Training

By dhsaraha on Fri, 13 Jul, 2018 - 17:31

Next month: Engaged Buddhist Training

By dhsaraha on Fri, 13 Jul, 2018 - 17:31

August 11-25 at EcoDharma

To meet the social and ecological challenges of our times requires deep inner resources, interpersonal skills and fresh political thinking. Engaged Buddhist Training equips us for this kind of radical inner and outer transformation.

Check out this years training at http://www.ecodharma.com/courses-events/2018/05/05/engaged-buddhist-trai… or email events@ecodharma.com for more information.

Triratna News
Triratna News

'Tiny homes' for San Francisco's homeless

By Munisha on Sun, 18 Jun, 2017 - 23:49

'Tiny homes' for San Francisco's homeless

By Munisha on Sun, 18 Jun, 2017 - 23:49

It’s 50 years since San Francisco’s ‘Summer of Love’, and with Buddhist Action Month in full swing across many countries, it’s a great moment to celebrate American Order member Vimalamoksha and his Tiny Homes Project, making innovative small wooden mobile homes for those living on the streets of San Francisco. Video by Prasadachitta.

Read more about the Tiny Homes Project.
Watch another video about the Tiny Homes Project.

Buddhist Action
Buddhist Action

Last chance to apply for our BAM women's Karuna appeal!

By Sanghamani on Mon, 1 May, 2017 - 16:33

Last chance to apply for our BAM women's Karuna appeal!

By Sanghamani on Mon, 1 May, 2017 - 16:33

Do something radical this BAM and come and join our next 6 week’s women’s Karuna appeal which begins on June 10th in London.

By becoming a Karuna fundraiser you can directly changes the lives of thousands of dalit and tribal people who face discrimination, inequality and oppression in India and Nepal.

Karuna is one of Triratna’s flagship team based right livelihoods and has been initiating social work and Dharma projects amongst some of the Worlds poorest and most disadvantaged communities since 1980. Most of £1.5...