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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: What’s Race, Gender, Sexuality and Skin Color Got to Do with Non-Self

By Sadayasihi on Sat, 11 May, 2019 - 14:00

Check out this week’s FBA PodcastWhat’s Race, Gender, Sexuality and Skin Color Got to Do with Non-Self by Vimalasara.

A timely and thought-provoking talk given at a People of Color (POC) day-long retreat at San Francisco’s East Bay Meditation Center 2019. The East Bay Meditation Center hosts teachers from all lineages to teach the Dharma to their POC, LGBTQI2, Differently Abled and Scent Free Communities.

Talk given February...

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Dharma Talk: What’s Race, Gender, Sexuality and Skin Color Got to Do with Non-Self

By Sadayasihi on Tue, 5 Mar, 2019 - 12:29

A timely and thought-provoking talk by Vimalasara around what race, gender, sexuality and skin colour have got to do with the idea and experience of non-self? Vimalasara draws inspiration from the life and example of Dr Ambedkar as she explores how to approach these issues from a Dharmic perspective.

This talk was given at a People of Colour (POC) day-long retreat at San Francisco’s East Bay Meditation Centre 2019.

Read more about diversity in Triratna


Triratna News
Triratna News

'One Sangha': First Triratna Mainland European Young Buddhist Convention

By Munisha on Wed, 9 Aug, 2017 - 11:42

'One Sangha': First Triratna Mainland European Young Buddhist Convention

By Munisha on Wed, 9 Aug, 2017 - 11:42

In the latest NewsByte video report from Clear Vision, we hear about Triratna’s first ever Mainland European Young Buddhist Convention, held in June at Triratna’s Berlin Centre, Buddhistisches Tor.

Looking at the theme of ‘One sangha’, 70 people aged 18-35 attended, from nine countries, as German event organiser Hannah explains, alongside Prasadacarin, new Chair of Stockholm Buddhist Centre. (At 28 he’s the youngest Chair in the Triratna world.)

‘Mainland European’ may seem a strange term, but...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Gender Diversity In Triratna - The Video Interview!

By Candradasa on Sun, 22 May, 2016 - 23:55

Gender Diversity In Triratna - The Video Interview!

By Candradasa on Sun, 22 May, 2016 - 23:55

The film of Parami’s interview with Kamalanandi and Padmavyuha about gender diversity in Triratna on the occasion of the first residential retreat for gender diverse people in our community. A timely and topical discussion about the issues raised in society generally by changes in awareness around gender – and in a particular Buddhist culture as it expands its sense of itself to be more inclusive and more forward thinking about a crucial area of personal identity. The implications for ideas of...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Gender Diverse Sangha As Buddhists

By Centre Team on Mon, 16 May, 2016 - 17:02

Parami interviews Kamalanandi and Padmavyuha about gender diversity in Triratna on the occasion of the first residential retreat for gender diverse people in our community. A timely and topical discussion about the issues raised in society generally by changes in awareness around gender – and in a particular Buddhist culture as it expands its sense of itself to be more inclusive and more forward thinking about a crucial area of personal identity. The implications for ideas of practice as a...

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Anagarika Convention with Parami No.3 - Goodbye from Adhisthana

By Candradasa on Wed, 18 Dec, 2013 - 16:24
The final installment of Parami’s in-depth reporting from the first convention of men and women in the Triratna Buddhist Order who have adopted a life of deep simplicity, stillness and contentment, supporting that with the practice of celibacy.

Today we hear from Amitamati, Tarachitta, Muditasri, Atapani, Yashodeva, Dhammadinna and Manjuvajra about their own experiences and their journeys towards this way of life.

Muditasri talks movingly about her own practice of ‘homelessness’, Yashodeva talks about community, and we even...
Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Anagarika Convention with Parami No. 2 - Pramodya and Nirmala

By Candradasa on Mon, 16 Dec, 2013 - 22:38
The second set of interviews from Adhisthana with Parami around the ‘anagarikas’ convention - a gathering of Buddhist women and men dedicated to living a simple, free, contented life and expressing that in part through the practice of celibacy. Today we meet two men anagarikas from Essen in Germany - Pramodya and Nirmala - who describe their experience of living this way and its effect on their sense of wellbeing.

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