Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Bhante at 88 - Surveying the Grounds

By Candradasa on Mon, 26 Aug, 2013 - 13:40

Bhante at 88 - Surveying the Grounds

By Candradasa on Mon, 26 Aug, 2013 - 13:40
Urgyen Sangharakshita at 88 near his home at Adhisthana, Herefordshire, UK.
Community Highlights
Community Highlights

A little walk in the hills - Bhante at 88

By Candradasa on Mon, 26 Aug, 2013 - 13:08

A little walk in the hills - Bhante at 88

By Candradasa on Mon, 26 Aug, 2013 - 13:08Urgyen Sangharakshita walking near his home at Adhisthana in Herefordshire.
Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Bhante's Birthday - White Tara Mantra for Long Life...

By Centre Team on Mon, 26 Aug, 2013 - 08:30
The assembled sangha at recent celebrations to dedicate Sangharakshita’s new home, Adhisthana, chanting the White Tara mantra to wish him long life… A fitting way to mark his birthday today!
Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Urgyen Sangharakshita at 88

By Centre Team on Mon, 26 Aug, 2013 - 08:26

Urgyen Sangharakshita at 88

By Centre Team on Mon, 26 Aug, 2013 - 08:26The founder of our Buddhist Order and Community turns 88 today! All here at the Buddhist Centre Online would like to join everyone else in Triratna around the world in sending our gratitude and best wishes to Sangharakshita as he celebrates his birthday at his new home in Adhisthana. Thank you, Bhante!

For more on Sangharakshita’s birthday, + follow Triratna Highlights.

View a timeline of Sangharakshita’s life and work in Triratna from...
Triratna News
Triratna News

New portrait of Sangharakshita unveiled in Australia

By lokabandhu on Mon, 19 Aug, 2013 - 06:05

New portrait of Sangharakshita unveiled in Australia

By lokabandhu on Mon, 19 Aug, 2013 - 06:05Following Saturday’s story on the 2013 ‘Triratna Artists catalogue’, Aaron Matheson, a mitra from Triratna’s Sydney Buddhist Centre, writes saying - “I have some news which would be great to see on The Buddhist Centre’s website: we have a new portrait of Sangharakshita. It was painted by Misha (Enrique del Val), a fellow mitra, who was recently commissioned to do it by Beth Sherlock. The painting is large, measuring 1.5 x 1.5 metres, and is a warmly engaged...
Triratna News
Triratna News

Sangharakshita's Diary, July 2013

By Munisha on Sun, 28 Jul, 2013 - 02:00

Sangharakshita's Diary, July 2013

By Munisha on Sun, 28 Jul, 2013 - 02:00Ashvajit writes:
Summer has truly arrived at Adhisthana this month, and the wonderful Herefordshire trees all around here are in full leaf. Bhante’s health, though still not completely predictable, continues on an upward trend. He has been sitting outside more often, enjoying the warmth and the gentle breeze, noticing Sanghadeva working on the area in front of the Old House, or Yashodeva overseeing the transport of one of the Borobodur-style rupas to the large shrine room. He has even taken...
Community Highlights
Community Highlights

A New Vihara Means A New Life by Venerable Sangharakshita (eBook)

A New Vihara Means A New Life by Venerable Sangharakshita (eBook)

By Candradasa on Thu, 6 Jun, 2013 - 17:47In 1982, Sangharakshita travelled to Chikhalwadi in Pune, to open a new vihara as part of the Triratna Buddhist Community in India. To mark the occasion he gave a talk on the significance of the event and the new space itself as a place for Dhamma, a base for the Bodhisattva Ideal to take root.

Thanks to Dh. Amoghabhadra and Dh. Achala at Dhammaduta Publications this talk had now been transcribed for the...
Dhammaduta Publications, India
Dhammaduta Publications, India

A NEW VIHARA A NEW LIFE (Lecture by Ven. Sangharkshita at Chikhalwadi, India on 6th February 1982)

By amoghabhadra on Thu, 6 Jun, 2013 - 13:06
Dear friends,

I have upladed the talk given by Ven. Urgen Sangharakshita at Chikhalwadi, Pune, India in text form. The talk was typed by Amoghabhadra and checked by Dh. Achala. Hope you all will like it.

much metta
File NameSize
new vihara means a new life.doc56.5 KB
Triratna News
Triratna News

Sangharakshita’s diary, May 2013

By lokabandhu on Sat, 25 May, 2013 - 05:45

Sangharakshita’s diary, May 2013

By lokabandhu on Sat, 25 May, 2013 - 05:45This month Ashvajit writes for the first time with a round-up of Sangharakshita’s health and activities during the past month, following his recent move to Adhisthana, his new home and headquarters near Malvern in the UK. He says -

“The past month has seen Vidyaruchi depart both in his capacity as Bhante’s Secretary and as resident of Adhisthana. Bhante has appreciated both his secretarial work over several years and his service as lunchtime cook, and wishes...
