In our first FBA Dharmabyte this week we hear from our founder and teacher, Sangharakshita as he describes his being “A Friend to the Order.” It’s 1990 and Bhante is making good his intention to follow up ‘The History of My Going For Refuge’ with another lecture looking at his relation to the rest of the Order titled “My Relation to the Order”.
Click image to view. If you would like to know more about the mounted A1 version for a shrine, or just the high resolution file for home, go to Print Media at (The Lights in the Sky watermark is only on for viewing)
Today’s FBA Dharmabyte is a lovely description of Sangharakshita we’re calling “A Single Stream of Dharma Activity”given by his editor Kalyanaprabha on the occasion of launching his recent book ‘Dear Dinoo: Letters to a Friend’. She shares two remarkable aspects about Sangharakshita: the ordinary and the extraordinary along with reflections on kindness and his embodiment of a single stream of Dharma activity.
By Suryaprabha on Thu, 31 Oct, 2013 - 15:15TOSETTHE scene, here is a quotation from a film made by Bob Mullan (The Enlightened Englishman, 1989)
Subsequent pages talk about the films I and my team have made about Triratna: its beginnings in the 1960s through to the new century.
I hope you will enjoy looking through this window as much as I have looking through the lens. Lights’ films have been remastered and filed over at Metta, Suryaprabha
By lokabandhu on Thu, 26 Sep, 2013 - 23:04Ashvajit, one of Sangharakshita’s carers, writes with his monthly update on Bhante’s diary for the past few weeks. He says -
“On 1st August there was a great burst of activity to get things ready for the Grand Opening of Adhisthana, Bhante’s new home. On 2nd 3rd and 4th of the month, the doors were thrown open, on the Friday to neighbours and all those who had assisted in any way in the refurbishing of the...
By Candradasa on Tue, 10 Sep, 2013 - 18:25The Abhayaratna Trust provides support for elderly members of the Triratna Buddhist Order who don’t have the resources to fully support themselves.
Ratnachuda writes: I have produced this booklet in gratitude to Sangharakshita who kindly agreed to give me an interview in April 2007, when I was engaged in research for a doctorate with the thesis of ‘grief and bereavement from a Buddhist perspective.’
By Candradasa on Tue, 10 Sep, 2013 - 17:38Over on the Abhayaratna Trust’s website there’s a little-known but fascinating conversation extract from 2007 between Sangharakshita ( the founder of the Triratna Buddhist Community) and Ratnachuda talking about the death of Sangharakshita’s mother and sister. It’s part of a longer, in-depth discussion of death and grief generally, and we wanted to draw your attention to that as well as to the excellent work Abhayaratna Trust does on behalf of members of the Order...
A new book by Sangharakshita Anagarika Dharmapala: a Biographical Sketch & Other ‘Maha Bodhi’ Writings
This new book by Sangharakshita was launched at the European Order Weekend held at Wymondham College, Norfolk, UK in July. Kalyanaprabha, who edited the book, gave a warm and inspiring introduction, which you can watch.
Launch copies sold out were sold out within two hours, but you can buy your copy online. Copies...
Tous les ans, le 26 août, le jour de l’anniversaire de Sangharakshita, les Centres bouddhistes Triratna du monde entier lui dédient une puja en sept parties, pour se réjouir de sa présence, de sa vie, et de ce qu’il nous a apporté : son enseignement du Dharma, et la Communauté bouddhiste Triratna.
Pour la puja de cette année, j’ai choisi des lectures de sept textes provenant pour l’essentiel des mémoires de Sangharakshita, et correspondant à chacune des parties de la...