Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Podcast - Extracts from a Puja for Urgyen Sangharakshita on the Evening of His Funeral and Burial

By Candradasa on Sun, 25 Nov, 2018 - 21:25

On the evening of Urgyen Sangharakshita’s funeral and burial, after the departure of most of the 1,200 guests, those who remained gathered together to perform a special, final sevenfold puja and close an extraordinary day. 

Padmavajra led the devotional ritual, specifically dedicated to Padmasambhava. In this extract we hear Surata reading verses to Vajrasattva known as ‘The Confounder of Hell’, followed by a rousing version of the Great Guru of Tibet’s mantra. 

Voices were uplifted and many offerings made: to say a last farewell...

Sangharakshita Memorial Space
Sangharakshita Memorial Space

Amaravati monastery marks Bhante's death

By Munisha on Thu, 22 Nov, 2018 - 13:32

Amaravati monastery marks Bhante's death

By Munisha on Thu, 22 Nov, 2018 - 13:32

At Amaravati Buddhist Monastery in Hertfordshire, UK, the evening chanting on the day after Bhante’s funeral was dedicated to him.

Amaravati is a monastery in the Thai Forest Tradition, run by the English Sangha Trust, who owned the Hampstead Buddhist Vihara where Bhante lived in the 1960s. 

Read about Munisha’s visit to Ajahn Amaro, abbot of Amaravati, in 2016.

Read all ‘Voices from the Buddhist world’ posts.
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Sangharakshita Memorial Space

From Sthanashraddha

By dh sthanashraddha on Mon, 19 Nov, 2018 - 22:07

From Sthanashraddha

By dh sthanashraddha on Mon, 19 Nov, 2018 - 22:07

I feel honoured and so very grateful to have been able to serve Bhante as secretary in the last few years of his life. Clear and bright was his mind right up until his death, full of warmth and kindness for those that came into his sphere. 

Though we were generations apart he always took interest in what interested me and our work together was so very smooth and straightforward, which is impressive given Bhante’s poor eyesight and my general lack of secretarial...

Sangharakshita Memorial Space
Sangharakshita Memorial Space

Deadline for submissions to the Book of Gratitude

By vajrapriya on Mon, 19 Nov, 2018 - 17:00

Deadline for submissions to the Book of Gratitude

By vajrapriya on Mon, 19 Nov, 2018 - 17:00

The deadline for submissions is Friday 30th November, so if you haven’t already, please do share your feelings of gratitude for the life of Urgyen Sangharakshita. To remind you, here are the criteria and means of submission:

Because the book will be professionally bound we ask you to follow these following simple instructions. The page will need to be:

  • A4
  • Landscape (wider than it is tall)
  • Plain paper
  • Left hand margin of 25mm to allow for binding
  • Right hand margin 20mm for balance

​Send a paper copy
Send your handwritten or printed copy to:

Book of Gratitude

Sangharakshita Memorial Space
Sangharakshita Memorial Space

Voices from the Buddhist world 14: Ani Lhamo and Lama Yeshe, Samye Ling

By Munisha on Mon, 19 Nov, 2018 - 10:58

Voices from the Buddhist world 14: Ani Lhamo and Lama Yeshe, Samye Ling

By Munisha on Mon, 19 Nov, 2018 - 10:58

A further response to news of Bhante’s death; this time from from Ani Lhamo, secretary to Lama Yeshe at Samye Ling Tibetan Centre in Scotland.

It came before the funeral but it has taken some time to post all these Voices from the Buddhist world, amongst all the other funeral preparations.

“Dear Munisha,

Thanks for letting us know the sad news of Venerable Sangharakshita’s passing. We send our heartfelt condolences.

And thank you very much for inviting Lama Yeshe to...

Sangharakshita Memorial Space
Sangharakshita Memorial Space

Dhardo Rinpoche's school marks Bhante's death

By Munisha on Sat, 17 Nov, 2018 - 15:29

Dhardo Rinpoche's school marks Bhante's death

By Munisha on Sat, 17 Nov, 2018 - 15:29

The pupils at the ITBCI school in Kalimpong, northern India, recite mantras for Bhante, led by the headmaster, Jampel Khalden. The school was founded for Tibetan refugee children by Bhante’s teacher, the late Dhardo Rinpoche.

(Bhante was buried with his head resting on Dhardo Rinpoche’s yellow monastic robe.)

See all ‘Voices from the Buddhist world’ posts.

Triratna News
Triratna News

Large worldwide audience for live funeral video

By Munisha on Fri, 16 Nov, 2018 - 16:55

Large worldwide audience for live funeral video

By Munisha on Fri, 16 Nov, 2018 - 16:55

It’s become clear that the apparently large gathering of 1,200-1,400 people in the barn at Adhisthana on Saturday for Bhante’s funeral was, in fact, a small fraction of the international audience taking part by following the day live on Facebook and YouTube, and by participating in simultaneous events at Buddhist Centres around the world.

Watch the complete edited livestream.

For a start, it’s estimated that those watching at public screenings across India numbered at least 61,000 – not including all those who watched at home or in social projects...

Community Highlights
Sangharakshita Memorial Space

Thanks to Everyone Involved in the Funeral of Bhante Urgyen Sangharakshita

By parami on Fri, 16 Nov, 2018 - 11:24

Thanks to Everyone Involved in the Funeral of Bhante Urgyen Sangharakshita

By parami on Fri, 16 Nov, 2018 - 11:24

Dear friends,

It is almost a week since the funeral and Adhisthana is returning to normal, although of course it is a new normal. “Life is King” as Bhante Urgyen Sangharakshita told us and Life goes on. The trees drop their leaves and work needs to be done. Sunday and Monday here saw community and volunteers taking down chairs, dismantling the shrine in the barn - will it ever be the same space? - and cleaning. Lots of cleaning,...

Triratna News
Triratna News

A Selection of Photos from Sangharakshita's Funeral

By Sadayasihi on Fri, 16 Nov, 2018 - 10:26

A Selection of Photos from Sangharakshita's Funeral

By Sadayasihi on Fri, 16 Nov, 2018 - 10:26

On Saturday 10th November the funeral of Urgyen Sangharakshita took place with an estimated 1,200 to 1,400 people attending the ceremony and burial in Adhisthana.  Here are some of the photographs taken by Dhammarati during this significant day in the life of our community.

See the full album of...

Sangharakshita Memorial Space
Sangharakshita Memorial Space

My tribute to Bhante, filmed the day after he died.

By Vidyaruchi on Thu, 15 Nov, 2018 - 11:04

My tribute to Bhante, filmed the day after he died.

By Vidyaruchi on Thu, 15 Nov, 2018 - 11:04

Dhammachari Vidyaruchi pays his tribute to Bhante Urgyen Sangharakshita. Urgyen Sangharakshita died on 30th October, 2018 at 10am, Hereford, UK. Vidyaruci has personally worked for Bhante for four years and formed a very deep connection with him. As you could clearly see in this interview.

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