Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Podcast - Vidyadevi on 'The Complete Works of Sangharakshita'

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 8 Apr, 2019 - 13:50

There’s something about coming at it all fresh and trying to see the patterns in it and bring it together in its different ‘baskets’…

Vidyadevi is an editor of ‘The Complete Works of Sangharakshita’ which aims to be the definitive edition of Sangharakshita’s life’s work as a Buddhist writer and teacher.

In this conversation she talks about the various different people who are involved in making this project happen, its significance, what it’s like working on it now that Sangharakshita has died, and her...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: Dr Ambedkar and His Importance For the Future of Buddhism

By Sadayasihi on Sat, 30 Mar, 2019 - 13:00

Our FBA Podcast this week is by Vajratara entitled Dr Ambedkar and His Importance For the Future of Buddhism. Vajratara argues that Dr Ambedkar is not just relevant for India or for the oppressed, but essential for modern Buddhism all over the world, challenging us to move beyond a comfortable Buddhism that fits neatly into modern consumer society.

The talk was given at a retreat at Rivendell for young people comparing the teachings of Dr Ambedkar and...

Community Highlights
Buddhist Voices

50 Years, 50 Voices: Dharmashalin

By Satyalila on Fri, 29 Mar, 2019 - 17:45

This is living a Dharma life. This is actually applying it. This is mess in progress.


Dharmashalin’s Annals
In 1968 I was not even a glint in my father’s eye. My parents first met on the 5th of September 1969 when my Mum showed my Dad where the canteen was on his first day of work.

In 1978 I was born on the 16th of June.

In 1988 I was 10 years old, totally absorbed in the world of Dungeons and Dragons....

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: Dr Ambedkar and Sangharakshita

By Sadayasihi on Sat, 23 Mar, 2019 - 13:00

In a celebration of the 60th anniversary of the mass conversion to Buddhism of Dr Ambedkar and thousands of his followers, Nagabodhi tells the story of Ambedkar and the role that Sangharakshita was to play in supporting the nascent Buddhist movement of ex-Untouchables.

This week’s FBA Podcast by Nagabodhi, Dr Ambedkar and Sangharakshita, was given at North London Buddhist Centre, 2016.

Subscribe to the FBA podcast

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Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Paradigm Shift

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 18 Mar, 2019 - 13:00

In today’s FBA Dharmabyte, Paradigm Shift Parami revisits Bhante’s vision of the New Society, sharing her inspiration and love for the radical and transformative power of the Dharma.

This is the third talk entitled Revisiting the New Society in the series The Order as Practice: Shifting Paradigms.

Subscribe to the Dharmabytes podcast

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Who is Urgyen Sangharakshita?: Highlighted Series from Subhuti

By Sadayasihi on Thu, 14 Mar, 2019 - 12:25

In this significant series of rambles given at the London Buddhist Centre, Subhuti unpacks his 15 minute funeral oration for Sangharakshita on 10th November 2018 at Adhisthana. He demonstrates how someone can be considered a very great teacher, exemplar, and even guru, yet also be a human being with his own personality and even failings.

Listen to Subhuti’s funeral oration

Listen to other ‘Rambles’ by Subhuti

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Who is Urgyen Sangharakshita?: Highlighted Series from Subhuti

By Sadayasihi on Thu, 14 Mar, 2019 - 12:22

In this important series of rambles given at the London Buddhist Centre, Subhuti unpacks his 15 minute funeral oration for Sangharakshita on 10th November 2018 at Adhisthana. He demonstrates how someone can be considered a very great teacher, exemplar, and even guru, yet also be a human being with his own personality and even failings.

Listen to Subhuti’s funeral oration

Listen to other ‘Rambles’ by Subhuti

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: The New Society

By Sadayasihi on Thu, 7 Mar, 2019 - 14:00

In today’s FBA Dharmabyte Sangharakshita speaks on: The New Society.

Sangharakshita describes the events of his life that led him to found the Western Buddhist Order (now the Triratna Buddhist Order), and explains how an individual can join it. He then discusses its relation to the Friends of the Western Buddhist Order (Triratna Buddhist Community) and introduces the idea of the nucleus of a new society.

Excerpted from the talk ...

Mitra Support
Mitra Support

Bodhisattva Ideal Mitratas

By Vajrashura on Thu, 28 Feb, 2019 - 19:29

Hi all.

A few years ago Ksantivadin and I digitalised all of Bhante’s old Mitrata booklets on The Bodhisattva Ideal lecture series.

There are eight lectures in the original series, and eight pairs of Mitratas in the series. The first of each pair contains a lightly edited version of the talk and often some seminar extracts, and then the second of each pair is just seminar extracts.

(By seminars extracts, I mean extracts taken from study seminars lead by Bhante on those particular Bodhisattva Ideal lectures.)

All the...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Owning Your Shadow

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 11 Feb, 2019 - 14:00

In today’s FBA Dharmabyte, is from a talk given by Vijayasri as a follow up to a showing of Sangharakshita’s video on Buddhism, world peace and nuclear war. In Owning Your Shadow Vijayasri explores the concepts of violence and non-violence as aspects of the power mode / love mode relationship, and looks at the Jungian concept of the shadow. We examine the idea that change is possible, but that growth and development requires personal...
