Triratna Resources
Triratna Resources

Dharma Teaching - Beginners Buddhism: Imagination, Beauty and Ritual, An Eight-Week Course (Padmavajri)

By Centre Team on Sun, 17 Jul, 2016 - 22:41

This course over eight weeks on The Place of Imagination, Beauty, and Ritual in the Spiritual Life was provided by Padmavajri from the Brighton Buddhist Centre.

Padmavajri says: “I led two groups on this. The course was aimed at any Mitras and it turned out I had a group of experienced Mitras, and a group of newer Mitras (one or two years old)… The two groups here loved it, enjoyed it, were challenged by it, and also were helped to understand ritual and the arts...

Triratna Resources
Triratna Resources

Dharma Teaching - Beginners Buddhism: Ritual and Devotion, A Course In Six-Weeks (Vajrapriya)

By Centre Team on Sun, 17 Jul, 2016 - 22:12

Exploring the psychology and meaning of Buddhist ritual through the ‘Sevenfold Puja’

A six-week course exploring Buddhist ritual. Provided by Vajrapriya, Cambridge Buddhist Centre, UK. Module 5 of Vajrapriya’s Buddhism Two Course in six modules.

Download this overview here


  1. Who/what do Buddhists worship? Commitment to a path of personal development.
  2. The practice of openness, disclosure and confession.
  3. The importance of developing positive emotion.
  4. Receptivity: turning towards what is deepest in ourselves and the universe.
  5. The ‘Awakening Heart’
  6. ...
Triratna Resources
Triratna Resources

Buddhist Funerals (2011)

By Centre Team on Sat, 16 Jul, 2016 - 16:34

There seem to be more and more funerals happening at Triratna Buddhist Centres. This trend, sadly, is likely to continue indefinitely. The London Buddhist Centre have produced a very useful Guide to Funerals at the LBC which can be downloaded here.

Some of the names and businesses referred to may have changed since this was produced.

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Preparing For A Buddhist Ritual - Follow Live Online!

By Candradasa on Tue, 12 Jan, 2016 - 16:39

This is an invitation from Stanashraddha and Satyalila at Adhisthana to join them in spirit for a special ritual that will take place there this evening, Tuesday January 12th at 7pm GMT/2pm EST

You can watch a live stream on Periscope of proceedings! On site participating in the ritual will be members of the Adhisthana communities and a small group who are on a Complete Works working retreat. It will be led by Saddhanandi, Chair of Adhisthana.


Triratna News
Triratna News

Dedication of the Manjusri Rupa at Adhisthana

By saddhanandi on Mon, 11 Jan, 2016 - 21:18

Dedication of the Manjusri Rupa at Adhisthana

By saddhanandi on Mon, 11 Jan, 2016 - 21:18

*UPDATE: Watch live online!*
You can watch a live stream on Periscope of proceedings! To join the live stream, simply visit The Buddhist Centre’s Twitter page. When the event is about to begin, we’ll post the link there. Just click the link and you’ll have a choice to watch live in your browser, in your Twitter app or on Periscope. If you’re a Periscope user you’ll also be able to make comments on the stream as the event progresses!

Please keep in...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Bodhichitta Mantra

By Candradasa on Fri, 30 Oct, 2015 - 19:14

Members of the Triratna Buddhist Order on their Pan-American Convention join with women training for ordination to chant the Bodhichitta mantra for the benefit of all beings. 

The ‘Bodhichitta’ is sometimes rendered as the ‘will to Enlightenment’ or the ‘heart-mind of Enlightenment’ - signifying the complete dedication of our efforts to cultivate wisdom and compassion, in line with the Buddha’s teachings, making no distinction between our own well-being and that of others. In that sense the development of Bodhichitta is...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Vajrasattva Mantra

By Candradasa on Tue, 27 Oct, 2015 - 15:18

The 100-syllable mantra of Vajrasattva, the Buddhist bodhisattva figure associated with purification of the heart and mind as we cultivate wisdom and compassion.

Recorded at the 2015 Pan-American Triratna Buddhist Order Convention in Mexico.

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View all posts from the Pan-American Convention 2015

The Urban Retreat 2015 - November 21-28
The Urban Retreat 2015 - November 21-28

How To Take Part In An Urban Retreat - Read This First...

By mokshini on Sat, 17 Oct, 2015 - 22:24

How To Take Part In An Urban Retreat - Read This First...

By mokshini on Sat, 17 Oct, 2015 - 22:24

There are about 45 Triratna Buddhist Centres around the world – from Adelaide in Australia to Moscow in Russia, Seattle in the USA to Glasgow in Scotland – running the Urban Retreat this year. They will all start with a day retreat that sets the scene on Saturday 21st November and end on Saturday 28th November. The day retreats give the participants the opportunity to clarify what they want to get out of the week and set their aims. Buddhist Centres might...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: The Buddha as Transcendental Guest

By Rijupatha on Thu, 3 Sep, 2015 - 11:00

Our FBA Dharmabyte today is called “The Buddha as Transcendental Guest” from the talk “The Symbolism of Offerings and Self-Sacrifice” by Sangharakshita. In this lecture we are shown how the symbolism of ritual offerings originated in the Hinayana and Mahayana, and later flowered with the Tantric offerings, particularly the offering of the Mandala.

Part of the series “Creative Symbols of the Tantric Path to Enlightenment”, given in 1971.

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