Windhorse Publications
Windhorse Publications

Out now! Approaching Enlightenment: A Guidebook for Buddhist Ritual

By Windhorse Publi... on Wed, 9 Oct, 2024 - 14:46

Out now! Approaching Enlightenment: A Guidebook for Buddhist Ritual

By Windhorse Publi... on Wed, 9 Oct, 2024 - 14:46

We are delighted to announce that Bodhidasa’s new book, Approaching Enlightenment: A Guidebook for Buddhist Ritual, is now available. Combining research in psychology and cultural studies, and the author’s own practice, in this book Bodhidasa draws out the liberatory potential of Buddhist ritual.

Ritual is the area of Buddhist practice that receives the least amount of attention. This book is for both sceptical and enquiring practitioners. The Sevenfold Puja or Seven-Limbed practice is the focus of the book, and through...

Windhorse Publications
Windhorse Publications

🎧 A guide to ritual in Buddhist practice with Bodhidasa

By Windhorse Publi... on Wed, 28 Aug, 2024 - 11:00

🎧 A guide to ritual in Buddhist practice with Bodhidasa

By Windhorse Publi... on Wed, 28 Aug, 2024 - 11:00

We are happy to announce the latest episode of our podcast, featuring an engaging conversation with Bodhidasa, a practitioner, teacher, and self-declared geek, who joins us from Sydney, Australia.

In this episode, Dhammamegha explores Bodhidasa’s rich and varied interests, from magic and games to popular culture and literature, and how these elements are intricately woven into his Buddhist practice and the essence of his new book. Bodhidasa shares how ritual, archetypes, and myth play a pivotal role in connecting with transpersonal and...


Anniversary of Sangharakshita's Funeral

By Maitriyogini on Wed, 9 Nov, 2022 - 11:32

Anniversary of Sangharakshita's Funeral

By Maitriyogini on Wed, 9 Nov, 2022 - 11:32

A special event from the College of Public Preceptors Meeting held at Adhisthana remembering the funeral of Sangharakshita who died in 2018.

The evening will run from 7.30-9pm UK time and have echos of the funeral, led by Parami.

There will be elements of ritual and readings of extracts from Nagabodhi’s forthcoming book about Bhante and Maitreyabandhu’s Canto - a long-form poem dedicated to Sangharakshita.

You can join the livestream here.


Invitation to an online event commemorating Sangharakshita

By Maitriyogini on Fri, 28 Oct, 2022 - 17:02

Invitation to an online event commemorating Sangharakshita

By Maitriyogini on Fri, 28 Oct, 2022 - 17:02

We would like to invite you to join us online on 30 October in remembering and celebrating Sangharakshita’s life and teachings on the 4th anniversary of his death.


19.20 Welcome

19.30 Reflections on Bhante: Talk by Ratnavyuha

Followed by a ritual: Chanting and readings

For international timings, see here.

Zoom link

We look forward to having you join us!

College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Chairs' Letter – July 2021

By punyamala on Sat, 31 Jul, 2021 - 14:25

Chairs' Letter – July 2021

By punyamala on Sat, 31 Jul, 2021 - 14:25

Dear Order Members and friends,

Ratnadharini has been encouraging the College deputies to write this monthly letter occasionally, so I agreed to take the plunge this month!

July started with an international, online weekend meeting of the College. Since I became a public preceptor in 2015 the College has met twice a year in March and November so it is a new development to meet in the summer. The meeting worked well and I appreciated connecting with the other public preceptors. Due to the...

West London Buddhist Centre
West London Buddhist Centre

Online Weekend Retreat: To Boldly Go...

By Sophie_WLBCPublicity on Sat, 29 May, 2021 - 11:36

Online Weekend Retreat: To Boldly Go...

By Sophie_WLBCPublicity on Sat, 29 May, 2021 - 11:36

‘Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us.’

Marianne Williamson

Join Bodhilila and Prajnanita as we boldly explore the world of Amoghasiddhi, the archetypal Buddha of action and fearlessness. His name means, ‘Unobstructed Success’ and he is particularly associated with integration and the union of opposites. On this retreat we will find out how the Buddha worked with anxiety and fear while also being inspired and...


The Guru's Advice: Sub35 Festival Retreat

By Maitriyogini on Mon, 10 May, 2021 - 12:12

The Guru's Advice: Sub35 Festival Retreat

By Maitriyogini on Mon, 10 May, 2021 - 12:12


Lived out fully, Buddhist practice is revolutionary. Its purpose is a complete transformation of every element of our lives and of the world around us. 

The legendary Tibetan Guru Padmasambhava is the archetype of this transformation. His mythic life story presents a conflict between the forces of light and the forces of darkness – a conflict that takes place within our own hearts and minds. Following his example, we can learn to...


Bhante’s Birthday Puja

By Khemabandhu on Tue, 25 Aug, 2020 - 15:26

Bhante’s Birthday Puja

By Khemabandhu on Tue, 25 Aug, 2020 - 15:26

On Wednesday 26th August, Adhisthana will be celebrating the anniversary of Bhante Sangharakshita’s birthday, as will be happening throughout Triratna. I find it hard to believe that only two years ago Bhante was still alive and would have been enjoying the celebrations at Adhisthana – probably with a vegan coffee and walnut cake that he would share with all those around him.

It is also the day when the Triratna centres continue with the 108 Year Puja that happens every year. I...

Windhorse Publications
Windhorse Publications

This week's offers from Windhorse Publications

By Windhorse Publi... on Mon, 10 Aug, 2020 - 15:00

This week's offers from Windhorse Publications

By Windhorse Publi... on Mon, 10 Aug, 2020 - 15:00

This week’s free eBook

This week we’re delighted to be giving away Ritual and Devotion in Buddhism: An Introduction by Sangharakshita, which leads the reader through the Sevenfold Puja and gives a feeling for the depth of spiritual practice to be contacted through reciting devotional verses, making offerings and chanting mantras.

It’s not too late to download last week’s free eBook, The Yogi’s Joy, also by Sangharakshita. It will remain free until the 17th of August. 

When you download your eBook(s), please consider making a donation...

North London Buddhist Centre
North London Buddhist Centre

Lammas festival at NLBC Sangha Night

By Ratnaprabha on Thu, 23 Jul, 2020 - 19:31

Lammas festival at NLBC Sangha Night

By Ratnaprabha on Thu, 23 Jul, 2020 - 19:31

19:00, 3 August 

Marking the mid-point between the summer solstice and the autumnal equinox, Lammas is a time for gathering in and giving thanks for abundance. The word ‘Lammas’ is derived from ‘loaf mass’, and indicates how central and honoured is the first loaf from the first harvested grain.

Our puja, led by Lalitaraja, will celebrate the mythic Buddha Ratnasambhava, who is associated with generosity and abundance.  If you wish, bring props for our ritual: a broom, mint, green and/or gold ribbon, fresh baked bread.
