We had a wonderful first day of our Order-Mitra ‘Rainy Season Retreat’ today, with Ratnaguna on fine form exploring everything from what we can learn from the language of the heptapods in the film ‘Arrival’, through the way the Mahayana expresses insight cosmically, suggestions on how to listen to the sutras, to why birds have to be magical apparitions in the pure land.
We listened to one of the sutras twice, and discussed our responses.
He writes: “Spring has been bursting forth here at Adhisthana during April. The oaks are coming into their lime green fresh mantles and the copper beech are sprouting, while the ducklings are finally hatching out! Just the other day Bhante heard the first cuckoo call while sitting out by the pond with Buddhadasa, and he tells me that there are primroses and violets in flower by the path he takes to the pond, while further afield...
By Windhorse Publi... on Thu, 31 Mar, 2016 - 12:01
We are pleased to announce the launch of our new website at www.windhorsepublications.com. After one year of hard work, our Web Developer Akasapriya has done a sterling job of producing a site that is both easier to use and pleasing to look at.
The launch of our website coincides with the release of our newest title, Great Faith, Great Wisdom, by Ratnaguna and Śraddhāpa. We love the cover by Dhammarati, which is based on a folding screen attributed to...
Ratnaguna shares his excitement on his new book and tells us why he wrote this book on Pure Land sutras, who it’s written for, and the extras! :) Enjoy!
By Viryabodhi on Wed, 29 May, 2013 - 14:49Under sitt besök i maj 2013 undervisade den mycket uppskattade Ratnaguna både på en ordensmitradag, ledde en workshop på Buddhadagen och slutligen, på Sanghakvällen den 27 maj, ledde han en metta bhavana meditation och gav ett föredrag om ett tema i mahayanatexten Vimalakirti Nirdesa: The Great Love. Nu kan du lyssna på dem:
By Viryabodhi on Mon, 22 Oct, 2012 - 21:09Reflection retreat with Ratnaguna Dharmagiri 15–18 April 2010
Under denna långhelg ledde Ratnaguna oss i reflektion och kontemplation på verser från Dhammapada. Han hade valt kapitel 1, 3 och 18: tvillingverserna, om sinnet och fläckar. Jag hoppas lägga upp en svensk översättning av Bhantes översättning av dem så småningom, men du finner också två översättningar till engelska på www.accesstoinsight.org Här är en direktlänk: http://www.accesstoinsight.org/tipitaka/kn/dhp/dhp.intro.budd.html
Ratnaguna gav ett inledande föredrag och sedan en...