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North London Buddhist Centre
North London Buddhist Centre

How to Meditate at Home - Positive Tools for Life

By Ratnaprabha on Tue, 19 May, 2020 - 14:15

How to Meditate at Home - Positive Tools for Life

By Ratnaprabha on Tue, 19 May, 2020 - 14:15

New 3-week online NLBC course with Aryadhara and Anandavajra starts Saturday 23rd May.

3 Saturday mornings: 23 May, 30 May, 6 June 10:30am-12:30pm

Discover how to meditate, and how to set up a regular practice at home. We will explore two core foundation meditation practices that help us to focus and to have an open heart - key skills for life both in and out of lockdown!

Regular meditation brings positive benefits in helping us to improve our mental states and thereby...

North London Buddhist Centre
North London Buddhist Centre

A meditation toolkit for challenging times

By Ratnaprabha on Tue, 14 Apr, 2020 - 18:09

A meditation toolkit for challenging times

By Ratnaprabha on Tue, 14 Apr, 2020 - 18:09

Tuesday 14 April 19:00-21:00

Visuddhimati will lead an evening exploring how meditation can help us meet the ups and downs of life. The evening will include a session of meditation followed by discussion with some ideas for ways of practising relevant to times of challenge.
Join Zoom Meeting here:  Meeting ID: 538 283 668. 

And a going deeper meditation session every Tuesday from 21 April, 7-9 pm, Zoom link here. Meeting ID: 469 927 879; Password: 975344


North London Buddhist Centre
North London Buddhist Centre

Saturday morning meditation

By Ratnaprabha on Fri, 10 Apr, 2020 - 21:20

Saturday morning meditation

By Ratnaprabha on Fri, 10 Apr, 2020 - 21:20

10:30 am meditation every Saturday, please log in at 10:15 for 10:30.

Suitable for new and experienced meditators. This week (11 April) with Karunagita, finish about 11:30.

Zoom login each week here.  If you can, please donate £5 or more here.

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Training In A System of Buddhist Practice

By Candradasa on Wed, 1 Jun, 2016 - 18:34

Dhammamegha recently interviewed Dhammarati for the Triratna International Council about an emerging project around the system of training in Triratna. It goes by the name of Sikkha (with a long a), which is a Pali word meaning ‘spiritual training’. It is about deepening our understanding of what and how we practice and teach within the Triratna community, and developing an explicit shared framework to talk about it. 

Here, Dhammarati reflects on what is essential in Buddhist practice: a growth of awareness which leads to positive and rich emotion...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Personal Mandalas

By Rijupatha on Mon, 4 Jan, 2016 - 17:00

We continue our opening theme for 2016 on mandalas with today’s FBA Dharmabyte podcast. Jvalamalini offers a gentle and thorough introduction to mandalas, in this excerpt the focus is on our personal lives. What’s central is what is most important to us.

“Personal Mandalas” is an excerpt from the full talk entitled “Introduction to Mandalas”, given at the Bristol Buddhist Centre, UK.

Subscribe to the Dharmabytes podcast

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Retracing our Steps on the Path

By Rijupatha on Thu, 24 Dec, 2015 - 11:00

We’ve been moved to share an abundant handful of Sangharakshita’s writings and poems this month. Today’s FBA Dharmabyte is entitled “Retracing our Steps on the Path”. Selected from “A Life for the Dharma”, by Sangharakshita, a moving, often beautiful evocation of the great Indian teacher Atisha, whose work had a profound influence on the development of Buddhism in Tibet. Sangharakshita presents Atisha’s life as both a challenge and an inspiration...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: Revisiting the New Society

By Rijupatha on Sat, 19 Dec, 2015 - 11:00

Today’s FBA Podcast is a tribute to our teacher, Bhante Sangharakshita, given by Parami entitled “Revisiting the New Society”, the third talk of The Order as Practice – Shifting Paradigms retreat. Parami talks about the first verse of the Dasadhamma Sutta – “I am no longer living according to worldly aims and values.” She revisits Bhantes vision of the New Society, sharing her inspiration and love for the radical and transformative power of...

The Urban Retreat 2015 - November 21-28
The Urban Retreat 2015 - November 21-28

The Urban Retreat 2015 Practice Diary

By Mokshini on Mon, 16 Nov, 2015 - 15:19

The Urban Retreat Diary 
On November 21, at the beginning of your Urban Retreat, we suggest you take the time to reflect on what you specifically want to practice during the coming week. What supportive conditions do you want to set up? What practices do you want to do? 

It really helps to make these aims as concrete as possible, and to write them down. Writing your practice aspirations down is an important ingredient of the event, and will help you implement your intentions.   

You can...

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