The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times
The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times
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Windhorse Publications Free the Dharma - Stories of practice

Many Dharma books give advice on how to meditate or reflect: others offer maps of the mind. But this week we’re giving away a book of a different kind; a book of stories of practice. 
How does the Dharma work? Based on 22 interviews or reflections, Challenging Times: Stories of Buddhist practice when things get tough is a compelling read. You can download it here until 8 June. 
Each person in the book faced some sort of situation or change and had to draw on their practice. You might recognise some who share their stories in this book:  Subhadramati, Vidyamala, Joan Halifax Roshi, Stephen Batchelor, Vishvapani and others. 
These stories show how we gain our freedom through retreats here, insights there, radical acceptance of what is actually happening, and moments when new truths become clear. Whatever your situation, you will find courage and inspiration from them.
Last week’s There’s more to dying than death is still available until 1 June. And this is the last week you can buy discounted books in our May Stay at Home Sale. Thank you for your donations, big and small, when you check out with the free eBooks. With book shops closed, these sales and donations are keeping us up and running.