Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Buddhist Economics, Part 1 - Pre-Pandemic (The Dharma Toolkit, Episode 33)

By Centre Team on Wed, 7 Oct, 2020 - 20:50

We’re back with the first episode in a two-part conversation about what Buddhism has to say to 21st C. economics in the wake of populist political tides, globalization and, of course, the COVID-19 pandemic.

Listen to part 2 of this conversation

Vaddhaka is the author of The Buddha On Wall Street, a Buddhist critique of Neo-Liberal notions of capitalism. Expect a stirring, provocative discussion around the state of western democracies in relation to...

Community Highlights
The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times

These Are The Moments (The Dharma Toolkit Podcast, Episode 32)

By Centre Team on Fri, 11 Sep, 2020 - 21:36

Hello again! We’re back for a new season of The Dharma Toolkit podcast. We’ve had a wee break, passed through fleeting summer, and are turning towards the first fall/autumn of these strange, pandemic times ready to renew our own sense of connection through community with you. Welcome aboard!

We begin again by following up and extending our previous mini-series ‘The Many Jewels: Buddhism, Writing and the Arts’ about the place of poetry and art in forming a response...

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Alive! Aware! Awake! - Home retreat starts Friday!

By Centre Team on Tue, 7 Jul, 2020 - 17:52

Alive! Aware! Awake! - Home retreat starts Friday!

By Centre Team on Tue, 7 Jul, 2020 - 17:52

Alive! Aware! Awake!
A chance to thoroughly explore the Buddha’s teaching on mindfulness, with the Taraloka Retreat Team. 

Friday July 10 – Thursday July 16

Daily live practice sessions:
USA 11.30am PST | México 1.30pm | USA 2.30pm EST | UK & IE 7.30pm | Europe 8.30pm CET |  India 12am (following day) | Sydney 4.30am | Auckland 6.30am

Find all the retreat resources and the link to join the live sessions on the home retreat space


Buddhist Centre Features
The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times

Alive, Aware, Awake! (The Dharma Toolkit, Episode 31)

By Centre Team on Fri, 3 Jul, 2020 - 15:27

What is it to be fully aware, fully alive? Here is a great conversation with the retreat team from Taraloka, who are about to lead our online Home Retreat around the relief and ease of being in the present moment – whatever that present moment looks like. 

Join in with Alive, Aware, Awake - a Home Retreat for everyone!

Experience can be an adventure in awareness. How can we taste the deep excitement of opening to the nature...

Buddhist Centre Features
The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times

Into the Dark Wood (The Dharma Toolkit, Episode 30)

By Centre Team on Wed, 24 Jun, 2020 - 01:58

Join us for a walk into the forest of the unknown. Enchantments await. Groves of images. Bridges to the unseen. A path that wanders lost until some deeper magic happens…

We are back in the realm of art and the making of images, the making of things, the making of meaning. Nagasiddhi’s trainings in technical sculpture, prop design and building, the rituals of puppetry, and carpentry with wood left by his father long ago - all these have prepared him for a...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Reflecting on Racism with James Baldwin

By viveka on Sun, 7 Jun, 2020 - 15:51

Reflecting on Racism with James Baldwin

By viveka on Sun, 7 Jun, 2020 - 15:51

Dear Sangha friends,

I wanted to offer you a podcast to listen to in these times.

Listen to the podcast on ‘Nothing Is Fixed’ by James Baldwin’

Paramananda and I met on May 25 to record a conversation for The Buddhist Centre Online. At the time George Floyd had not yet died an unjust death in an encounter with police. Another black man Ahmaud Arbery’s shooting while jogging in Georgia was in the news. Our...

Bump elbows, say hello!
The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times

For Nothing Is Fixed: Reflecting on Racism

By viveka on Sun, 7 Jun, 2020 - 15:39

Dear Sangha friends,

I wanted to offer you a podcast to listen to in these times. Paramananda and I met on May 25 to record a conversation for The Buddhist Centre Online. At the time George Floyd had not yet died an unjust death in an encounter with police. Another black man Ahmaud Arbery’s shooting while jogging in Georgia was in the news. Our conversation began with a poem from James Baldwin and opened to reflections about the relevance and purpose of...

Buddhist Action
Buddhist Action

Return to Nature on the Inside (The Dharma Toolkit Daily, Episode 18)

By Sadayasihi on Fri, 5 Jun, 2020 - 15:14

Return to Nature on the Inside (The Dharma Toolkit Daily, Episode 18)

By Sadayasihi on Fri, 5 Jun, 2020 - 15:14

“The only way we can face the suffering in the world is to be involved in ending it.”

Back in April, The Buddhist Centre Online commissioned a series of podcasts called ‘Hair On Fire: Using the Threefold Way of Ethics, Meditation, and Wisdom to Turn Toward Climate Change’, released to mark Earth week.

To introduce that series we had a great conversation with Sara Khorasani and Akuppa, voyaging through time and the underworld of our own life,...

Community Highlights
The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times

For Nothing Is Fixed - Getting Real with Viveka and Paramananda, Episode 1

By Centre Team on Tue, 2 Jun, 2020 - 02:16

For Nothing Is Fixed

For nothing is fixed,
forever, forever, forever,
it is not fixed;
the earth is always shifting,
the light is always changing,
the sea does not cease to grind down rock.
Generations do not cease to be born,
and we are responsible to them
because we are the only witnesses they have.
The sea rises, the light fails,
lovers cling to each other,
and children cling to us.

Community Highlights
The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times

Edición en español! (El podcast diario de Dharma Toolkit, 24)

By Centre Team on Wed, 6 May, 2020 - 23:07

Cuatro amigos budistas se reunion en zoom y exploran como su practica budista les ayuda en tiempos de pandemia y tambien como el mundo cambiando ha cambiado su practica.

Parami (en Glasgow, Escocia), Saddharuchi (en la ciudad de Mexico),  Nagapriya (Cuernavaca, Mexico) y Sanghadhara (Manchester, Inglaterra) son Miembros de la Orden Budista Triratna apasionados en compartir su entendimiento y practica del budismo por el beneficio de todos los seres.

La musica por Ackport! 

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