Tag: men's ordinations

College of Public Preceptors
Triratna News

Padmaloka Public Ordinations

By padmavajra on Mon, 29 Apr, 2024 - 14:58

Padmaloka Public Ordinations

By padmavajra on Mon, 29 Apr, 2024 - 14:58

Dear Friends,

We are delighted to announce that the ordinations of the following 19 men took place at Padmaloka Retreat Centre on 27th April 2024.

Public Preceptor Padmavajra:

Julian Haxby becomes Aryamanas - ‘He who has a Noble Mind’
Private Preceptor Mangala

Plinio Coll become Khahadaya - ‘One whose Heart is like the Sky’
Private Preceptor Rijumitra

Archie Conway becomes Kusaladhara - ‘He who bears the Skilful in Mind’
Private Preceptor Keturaja


Triratna News
Triratna News

Ordinations at Padmaloka

By satyaraja on Mon, 3 Oct, 2022 - 21:33

Ordinations at Padmaloka

By satyaraja on Mon, 3 Oct, 2022 - 21:33

I am delighted to announce the ordinations of the following three men at Padmaloka on Saturday 1st October 2022.
with metta,

Public preceptor Satyaraja
Donnie Young becomes Maitrika (long second i). “He who values Friendship”
Private Preceptor: Jinavamsa 
Mark Chipp becomes Dayasingha (long second a). “Hero of Kindness and Compassion”
Private Preceptor: Vadanya
John Brierley becomes Manikaya (long second a). “He who is a collection of Jewels”
Private Preceptor: Jayagupta

College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Ordinations at Chintamani, Mexico

By Nagapriya on Mon, 17 Jan, 2022 - 16:40

Ordinations at Chintamani, Mexico

By Nagapriya on Mon, 17 Jan, 2022 - 16:40

I am very happy to announce the public ordination of ex Isidro Martínez and ex Oscar Gutiérrez of the Mexico City Sangha at Chintamani on Saturday 15th January, 2022.

Isidro becomes Āryavādin, a Sanskrit name meaning he who speaks like the noble ones,
Registered spelling: Aryavadin 

Private Preceptor: Samamati
Public Preceptor: Virasiddhi 

Óscar becomes Nityamaṇi (dot under the n), a Sanskrit name which means he who has the eternal Jewel.
Registered spelling: Nityamani

College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Ordinations in Australia

By siladasa on Mon, 13 Dec, 2021 - 08:40

Ordinations in Australia

By siladasa on Mon, 13 Dec, 2021 - 08:40

I have pleasure in attaching the photograph and names of the three men ordained last Saturday December 11 at Vijayaloka Retreat Centre, NSW during a public ceremony hosted by the Sydney Buddhist Centre.

From left, Jinavajra (“victor of insight” - formerly Max McMullin, Sydney) Private Preceptor: Khemadhamma

Sarvadarśin (“all seeing one” - formerly Rich Batsford, Adelaide) Private Preceptor: Siladasa

Khemavajira (“he who has diamond-like security” - formerly Jonathan O’Keefe, Melbourne). Private Preceptor: Khemadhamma

Public Preceptor: Siladasa

With metta,

College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Ordinations at Padmaloka

By Vajrashura on Thu, 26 Aug, 2021 - 20:10

Ordinations at Padmaloka

By Vajrashura on Thu, 26 Aug, 2021 - 20:10

We are very happy to announce the Public Ordinations of the following 16 men at Padmaloka on Thursday, 26.8.2021

Public Preceptor: Satyaraja

Larry Butler becomes Sukhema, meaning “He who is very peaceful, at ease”. Private Preceptor: Vajragupta

Don Allan becomes Dhirajyoti, meaning “He whose gentleness and steadiness make him radiant”. Private Preceptor: Amoghavira

Kevin McConnell becomes Shraddhavan, meaning “He who possesses faith”. Private Preceptor: Khemaka

David Elliott becomes Akashaja, meaning “He who is born from the qualities of the sky”. Private Preceptor: Jinapalita

Giles Watts becomes Sarahadaya, meaning “He who keeps what is essential at heart”. Private Preceptor: Rijumitra

Steven Hutton becomes Akashapala, meaning “He who...
