We are very happy to announce the Public Ordinations of the following 16 men at Padmaloka on Thursday, 26.8.2021
Public Preceptor: Satyaraja
Larry Butler becomes Sukhema, meaning “He who is very peaceful, at ease”. Private Preceptor: Vajragupta
Don Allan becomes Dhirajyoti, meaning “He whose gentleness and steadiness make him radiant”. Private Preceptor: Amoghavira
Kevin McConnell becomes Shraddhavan, meaning “He who possesses faith”. Private Preceptor: Khemaka
David Elliott becomes Akashaja, meaning “He who is born from the qualities of the sky”. Private Preceptor: Jinapalita
Giles Watts becomes Sarahadaya, meaning “He who keeps what is essential at heart”. Private Preceptor: Rijumitra
Steven Hutton becomes Akashapala, meaning “He who is a protector of space”. Private Preceptor: Vajrapriya
Marcin Wojcik becomes Kshantipala, meaning “He who is a protector of patience”. Private Preceptor: Paramabandhu
Matthew Drage becomes Viryadeva, meaning “He who is a god of energy”. Private Preceptor: Paramabandhu
Arvid Fonser becomes Padmabhasa, meaning “Light of the Lotus”. Private Preceptor: Padmavajra
Public Preceptor: Vajrashura
Tony McHenry becomes Sthiramitra, meaning “He who is a steadfast friend”. Private Preceptor: Karunika
Peter White becomes Satyaghosha, meaning “He who has the voice of truth”. Private Preceptor: Jnanavaca
Peter Milton becomes Achaladaya, meaning “He whose kindness is immovable”. Private Preceptor: Satyaraja
Leif Stamford becomes Achalasiddhi, meaning “He whose accomplishment comes from resolute perseverance”. Private Preceptor: Amoghavira
Guilhem Monin becomes Prajnaghosha, meaning “He who has the voice of wisdom”. Private Preceptor: Jnanavaca
Charlie Byles becomes Satyamanas, meaning “Mind of Truth”. Private Preceptor: Priyavajra
Public Preceptor: Yashodeva
Gabriel Pujadas becomes Mokshadanu, meaning “He who is a winner of liberation”. Private Preceptor: Rijumati
Yours in the Dharma,
Vajrashura, Satyaraja and Yashodeva