College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Chair's Letter – July

By Kulanandi on Thu, 1 Aug, 2024 - 11:03

Chair's Letter – July

By Kulanandi on Thu, 1 Aug, 2024 - 11:03

Dear Order Members and Friends,

I have just returned home from two Ordination Retreats. The first one was the long Ordination Retreat in Akashavana, Spain, where 19 fine women were ordained. The second one was much shorter in our Retreat Centre here in Vimaladhatu, Germany. It was for Utpaladaya who cannot physically manage the terrain at Akashavana and works as a teacher with limited holiday time. Both retreats were a source of joy and inspiration.


Jobs, Volunteering & Communities
Jobs, Volunteering & Communities

Project Initiator subtitling videos and other spoken word projects

By gunabhadri on Fri, 19 Feb, 2021 - 20:32

One of the Mainland Europe Area Council’s priorities is to investigate how to make Triratna teachings and other spoken word projects in Triratna more available to people who speak other languages than English by means of subtitling. To this end a working group has been set up consisting of delegates from the Area Council, the Translations Board and Development team to the ECA. After some initial exploration we have applied for funding and are looking for a person to initiate...

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Triratna Young Buddhists
Triratna Young Buddhists

Mainland Europe Young Buddhist Convention 29-31 May 2020

By Prajnaketu on Thu, 6 Feb, 2020 - 15:06

Mainland Europe Young Buddhist Convention 29-31 May 2020

By Prajnaketu on Thu, 6 Feb, 2020 - 15:06

Many of us feel like we are living in uncertain and fast-moving times. Separation and polarization seem to be the trend rather than coming-together and unity. The future looks more and more insecure. Yet, the Buddha taught that this has always been the case.

We as young Buddhist practitioners are curious to find out what perspective the Buddha’s teaching has on our world today.

Join us here in Berlin for the Mainland Europe Young Buddhist Convention, where we come together to create community, practice...


50 year celebrations of the Central European region!

By Mokshini on Fri, 1 Sep, 2017 - 08:48

50 year celebrations of the Central European region!

By Mokshini on Fri, 1 Sep, 2017 - 08:48

A lovely short film of Triratna’s 50 year celebrations of the Central European region. About 180 - 200 people from four countries were present (France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, plus some guests from UK). On Saturday we had a whole range of workshops, outings, practice and a cultural night at the Essen Buddhist Centre. On Sunday, we moved into the former miners’ washing rooms of world heritage site ‘Zollverein’, where we meditated, celebrated puja, heard reflections on 50 years of...

Triratna Young Buddhists
Triratna Young Buddhists

Mainland Europe Young Buddhist Convention 2-4th June 2017

By Prajnaketu on Tue, 7 Feb, 2017 - 15:30

Mainland Europe Young Buddhist Convention 2-4th June 2017

By Prajnaketu on Tue, 7 Feb, 2017 - 15:30

We are happy to announce that we have officially opened the booking for the:


Come to an inspiring weekend to the heart of Europe! This is a unique opportunity for all people in their 20s and 30s who practise within the Triratna Buddhist Community all over Mainland Europe to...

Triratna International Council
Triratna International Council

2016 International Council Meeting - summary

By dhammamegha on Wed, 5 Oct, 2016 - 10:34

The International Council met at Adhisthana from the 1st to the 8th of August 2016.

Here is a presentation of who was there, the areas of interest to different Area Councils, and the programme.

It also includes the priorities going forward for the International Council over the next year or two: what each of the strands is taking forward, and what the Council as a whole has set as priorities. These include a response to diversity and access, a review of the system of...

Mainland European Order Convention 2015
Mainland European Order Convention 2015

At last, the video!

By Munisha on Thu, 22 Sep, 2016 - 14:47

At last, the video!

By Munisha on Thu, 22 Sep, 2016 - 14:47

Here is the video of the Mainland European Order Convention 2015! Sorry a few things prevented its appearance a bit earlier - partly my fault.

IJust enjoy 5 minutes of sunny summer lakeside happiness.

Triratna News
Triratna News

Triratna's first mainland European Order convention

By Munisha on Wed, 5 Aug, 2015 - 17:38

Triratna's first mainland European Order convention

By Munisha on Wed, 5 Aug, 2015 - 17:38

I’ve recently returned from the first convention of Triratna Buddhist Order members in mainland Europe, held in northern Germany from 19th to 25th July. Around 80 women and men gathered at a vegetarian retreat centre by a large lake north of Berlin.

Order members from all over Europe, including the UK and Ireland, have regularly met at “European” Conventions held in Britain. However, the Order in mainland Europe is now large enough to hold its own: there are now over...

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

A European Gathering - Gallery

By Viryabodhi on Mon, 3 Aug, 2015 - 15:50

A European Gathering - Gallery

By Viryabodhi on Mon, 3 Aug, 2015 - 15:50

A beautiful gallery from Viryabodhi in Stockholm - photographs of the Triratna Buddhist Order’s Mainland Europe convention in Germany, featuring inspiring Buddhists from all over the continent and the Nordic countries.

Listen to our podcasts from the convention


Mainland European Order Convention 2015
Mainland European Order Convention 2015

Mainland European Convention #4 - An Historic Event

By parami on Sat, 1 Aug, 2015 - 20:58

The last post from Parami as she wraps up her coverage of the Triratna convention from Germany with inspiring Buddhists from all over mainland Europe and the Nordic countries.

Here we meet Sridevi and Maitriprabha from Helsinki and Viryabodhi from Stockholm, and hear their reflections on an historic event within the Triratna Buddhist Order and Community.

Subscribe to the Triratna podcast
