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Triratna Young Buddhists
Triratna Young Buddhists

Mainland Europe Young Buddhist Convention 29-31 May 2020

By Prajnaketu on Thu, 6 Feb, 2020 - 15:06

Mainland Europe Young Buddhist Convention 29-31 May 2020

By Prajnaketu on Thu, 6 Feb, 2020 - 15:06

Many of us feel like we are living in uncertain and fast-moving times. Separation and polarization seem to be the trend rather than coming-together and unity. The future looks more and more insecure. Yet, the Buddha taught that this has always been the case.

We as young Buddhist practitioners are curious to find out what perspective the Buddha’s teaching has on our world today.

Join us here in Berlin for the Mainland Europe Young Buddhist Convention, where we come together to create community, practice...


50 year celebrations of the Central European region!

By Mokshini on Fri, 1 Sep, 2017 - 08:48

50 year celebrations of the Central European region!

By Mokshini on Fri, 1 Sep, 2017 - 08:48

A lovely short film of Triratna’s 50 year celebrations of the Central European region. About 180 - 200 people from four countries were present (France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, plus some guests from UK). On Saturday we had a whole range of workshops, outings, practice and a cultural night at the Essen Buddhist Centre. On Sunday, we moved into the former miners’ washing rooms of world heritage site ‘Zollverein’, where we meditated, celebrated puja, heard reflections on 50 years of...

Mainland European Order Convention 2015
Mainland European Order Convention 2015

At last, the video!

By Munisha on Thu, 22 Sep, 2016 - 14:47

At last, the video!

By Munisha on Thu, 22 Sep, 2016 - 14:47

Here is the video of the Mainland European Order Convention 2015! Sorry a few things prevented its appearance a bit earlier - partly my fault.

IJust enjoy 5 minutes of sunny summer lakeside happiness.