College of Public Preceptors
By akasajoti on Sat, 28 Mar, 2020 - 22:04
By akasajoti on Sat, 28 Mar, 2020 - 22:04Dear Order members,
We are delighted to announce that Itir Binay from Melbourne, Australia was publicly ordained in Melbourne on Saturday 28th March, 2020.
Ex-Itir becomes Varadhī (last letter long i). Name meaning: She who has the highest wisdom. Westernised spelling: Varadhi
Public Preceptor: Maitripala
Private Preceptor: Chittaprabha
The ceremony was witnessed by over 100 members of our Sangha live on zoom. Here is the link of the recording which ends with a beautiful wave of sadhus around the world.
Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!
With metta,