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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Remembering to Remember

By Sadayasihi on Thu, 16 Jan, 2020 - 14:00

Amaragita offers three principles for considering the possibilities of deepening into the Dharma in any situation, and they are are worth remembering - or as she says, remembering to remember! Great, gently radical words that are bold enough to imagine and even assume the possibility of a more compassionate future for all beings.

From the talk entitled The Possibility of Practice given as part of the 2015 Mothers Retreat at Taraloka Retreat...

Triratna International Gathering 2019: Alchemy of the Dharma
Triratna International Gathering 2019: Alchemy of the Dharma

Myth and Magic: Day 1 of the 2019 Triratna International Gathering

By Sadayasihi on Fri, 23 Aug, 2019 - 23:24

It’s the first full day of the Triratna International Gathering and Adhisthana is basking in summer sunshine! 

In this short podcast we get a flavour of the ‘Alchemy of the Dharma’. A couple of people share their highlights from the International Gathering so far - from the first talk by Ratnaguna on ‘Transforming Self’, a classic music concert after lunch, workshops on tai chi, yoga, the activities for children as well as authentic conversations and the possibility of...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Podcast: Community - With Your Own Front Door

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 27 May, 2019 - 15:26

So it’s community - but with our own front door

The Suvana (meaning ‘happy realm’) project aims to develop Buddhist co-housing in Cambridge, UK. It will be newly built, sustainable, low carbon footprint development, with the community inspired by Buddhist values.  

Here’s a conversation with Tejasvini and Jeremy Peters, both involved in the project, discussing co-housing as a response to the housing crisis, their plans for sustainable features, affordability, Buddhist almhouses and more. 

Visit the ...

Triratna Buddhist Families
Triratna Buddhist Families

Sudaka on Buddhist Practice as a Parent

By Sadayasihi on Sun, 8 Jul, 2018 - 22:04

Sudaka, the Mitra Convenor in the Valencia Buddhist Centre, talks about his experience of Buddhist practice as a parent and discusses how he fits in his meditation practice, the importance of having a supportive partner and how his practice informs his parenting.

Recorded at Suryavana, Valencia, July 2018.

Check out the International Families Retreat (Retiro Internacional De Familias) being held at Suryavana at the end of July.

Triratna Buddhist Families
Triratna Buddhist Families

Talks from Adhisthana's Weekend Retreat for Parents

By Sadayasihi on Fri, 29 Jun, 2018 - 11:29

Adhisthana’s first weekend retreat for parents took place on 8th to 10th June, led by a team of Triratna Order Members who are parents themselves – Upayavira, Maitrinita, Lilapa, and Karunagita. It was open to parents and parents-to-be, including Order Members, Mitras and those with a regular practice in the context of Triratna. 

Here are two of the talks from the weekend:-

Six Gifts of Parenting:
Karunagita brings to life gifts for Buddhist practice...

Family Friendly Village Retreat - all welcome
Buddhafield Family Friendly Village

Entering the Sangha - Sangharakshita

By libbydavy on Tue, 23 Jul, 2013 - 15:11
See track 5 especially.

Sangharakshita talks with humour and wisdom about feeling free; the hot tubs of Buddhafield; a place where children can be safe and free outdoors.

Reposted from FBA

“In ‘Entering the Sangha’, Sangharakshita goes to Buddhafield! A first for him, and a first for the fabulous Buddhafield Festival that takes place each year at the height of the English summer. This talk was given in a tent in Devon - and the sounds...
Family Friendly Village Retreat - all welcome
Buddhafield Family Friendly Village

Staying at Home, Dancing with the Universe - Amaragita

By libbydavy on Tue, 23 Jul, 2013 - 15:03

“This talk from Amaragita takes a look at Buddhist practice in the light of parenting, and was given at the Buddhafield Festival in 2006. Look out for some lovely singing thoughout!” Reposted from FBA.