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Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Srivati: Open Heart, Open Hand

By Candradasa on Tue, 21 May, 2013 - 17:32

Srivati: Open Heart, Open Hand

By Candradasa on Tue, 21 May, 2013 - 17:32“What does it mean to be generous? Is there enough of everything to go around? Why should we share anyway? Maybe the golden Buddha Ratnasambhava has the answers…”

A talk given at Buddhafield 2011 in the Dharma Parlour.

Watch all the Dharma Parlour talks from 2011

Listen to talks from Buddhafield

Watch more talks from Buddhafield
Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Buddhafield eBooks - Dhiramati: Myth, Poetry and the Goddess

Buddhafield eBooks - Dhiramati: Myth, Poetry and the Goddess

By Candradasa on Tue, 21 May, 2013 - 16:35An appropriately mythic start to affairs and to this series of Buddhafield eBooks beautifully produced by the textually heroic Lokabandhu…

Dhiramati delving into our deep pagan roots…

Listen to talks from Buddhafield

Watch talks from Buddhafield
The Dharma Parlour at Buddhafield
Dharma Parlour

Love, Sex and Transformation of the Heart

By lokabandhu on Tue, 7 Aug, 2012 - 10:58

Love, Sex and Transformation of the Heart

By lokabandhu on Tue, 7 Aug, 2012 - 10:58Kicking off the program in the 2012 Buddhafield Dharma Parlour, a talk by Jayaraja: ‘Love, Sex and Transformation of the Heart’. He asks - “How do we become free? How do we work with the deeper levels of our being? How do we become more awake as opposed to just changing the facade?” And lots more…

Many thanks to Upeksapriya from Triratna’s ClearVision project for creating and uploading this recording.
The Dharma Parlour at Buddhafield
Dharma Parlour

Dharma Doorways and Dead Ends...

By lokabandhu on Tue, 7 Aug, 2012 - 10:54

Dharma Doorways and Dead Ends...

By lokabandhu on Tue, 7 Aug, 2012 - 10:54Another talk from the 2012 Dharma Parlour at the Buddhafield Festival - this time by Lokabandhu on the subject of ‘Dharma Doorways and Dead Ends’. As part of the theme “Doorways to Freedom” he explores the fascinating Buddhist notion of ‘near enemies’, those seductive but misleading lookalikes to authentic spiritual qualities.

Many thanks to Upeksapriya from Triratna’s ClearVision project for creating and uploading this recording.
The Dharma Parlour at Buddhafield
Dharma Parlour

Embracing Love

By lokabandhu on Thu, 26 Jul, 2012 - 06:58
Vajrasara explores the joys and challenges of love, empathy, passion and compassion on the spiritual journey. A talk given in the Dharma Parlour on the 2012 Buddhafield Festival, under the overall theme of ‘Doorways to Freedom’.

Buddhafield Festival Opening Ceremony

By lokabandhu on Thu, 12 Jul, 2012 - 15:42
Opening the Buddhafield Festival 2012 under the rainbow in Taunton… It’s not too late to get a weekend ticket and join us!
The Dharma Parlour at Buddhafield
Dharma Parlour

Dharma Parlour program

By lokabandhu on Fri, 6 Jul, 2012 - 14:36
Hot off the press - the 2012 Dharma Parlour program! Thanks so much to Maitrisara for pulling it all together… it looks great!

See you there…
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Dharma Parlour program182.44 KB
