Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

A Vision of Communication (FBA Podcast)

By Centre Team on Sat, 29 Jun, 2024 - 11:00

What does it take to create a context which allows people to experience meaning? Saddhanandi looks at how sangha is created through meaningful, authentic friendships and communication. The talk includes references to her interviews about poetry with Sangharakshita. This talk was given at Cardiff Buddhist Centre, 2023.


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A full,...

Jobs, Volunteering & Communities
Jobs, Volunteering & Communities

Communication Researcher

By Centre Team on Thu, 2 May, 2024 - 16:22

Communication Researcher

By Centre Team on Thu, 2 May, 2024 - 16:22

Are you interested in the future of communication, brands and society? Are you fascinated by how people can be reached and their lives made better through connecting with spirituality in the 21st century? Do you believe that communicating the Dharma effectively can change the world?

The Triratna International Council Communications Working Group is looking for people to support a vision project researching how best to communicate the Dharma today. Do you work as a communication planner, creative...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: The Transforming Power of Conflict

By Centre Team on Sat, 3 Feb, 2024 - 11:00

Jnanasiddhi gave an inspiring and practical talk sharing her extensive understanding and experience of peace making. She illustrated different approaches of peacemaking in relation to the five aspects of the spiritual path. And focused on how we can create the conditions within ourselves - through our practice - to contribute to harmony with others. This talk was given at Birmingham Buddhist Centre, 2023.


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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: In the Footsteps of the Buddha - A Noble Path

By Centre Team on Sat, 13 Jan, 2024 - 11:00

Dharmashalin gives the first of a two-part talk on the first two of the 4 Noble Truths, evoking the miraculous communication of the Buddha’s dharma. Talk given as part of Dharma Day 2023 at the Birmingham Buddhist Centre and marking the 25th anniversary of the opening of the current centre.


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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: The Elusive Dakini

By Centre Team on Sat, 23 Dec, 2023 - 11:00

Don’t listen to this talk if you want a straightforward explanation of what a dakini may or may not be. In fact, what is prompting you to listen to a talk on the dakini in the first place? Vidyadaka talks around the theme in this rousing exploration of the dakini, the gestalt and the artist. Given at Padmaloka Retreat Centre, 2022, as part of the series The Secret Refuges.


Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Communication, Friendship & Ordination - Autism & the Triratna Buddhist Community: Part Three

By Centre Team on Sat, 17 Jun, 2023 - 13:25

Communication, Friendship & Ordination - Autism & the Triratna Buddhist Community: Part Three

By Centre Team on Sat, 17 Jun, 2023 - 13:25

Continuing our series of conversations on the subject of autism within The Triratna Buddhist Community, we rejoin Ratnaguna and Prajnanandi for another episode, focusing this time on communication and the development of friendship.

With so much emphasis in our community on the importance of establishing deep spiritual friendships, Prajnanandi shares her experience of how building such relationships can present significant challenges for someone who is neurodiverse.

We also discuss the ordination process within the Triratna Buddhist Community and unpack why many neurodiverse practitioners may...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabytes: Communication Exercises

By Zac on Mon, 17 Apr, 2023 - 06:00

Mahamati recollects some of the teachings of our founder Urgyen Sangharakshita as part of the celebration of the fortieth anniversary of the founding of Padmaloka. Excerpted from The Meaning of Spiritual Community Revisited, given at Padmaloka Retreat Centre, 2016


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Bite-sized inspiration three times every week.

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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabytes: The Essence of Bodhicitta

By Zac on Mon, 6 Feb, 2023 - 06:00

Padmavajra shares a story of meeting on the basis of Bodhicitta arising between people. He tells us how Shantideva takes to heart, ever more firmly, the Bodhicitta, through his lavish performance of puja and a searing confession of faults. 

Giving Ourselves Completely to the Buddhas - Bodhicaryavatara Chapter 2 as part of the series Shantideva’s Bodhicaryavatara given at Padmaloka Retreat Centre, 2020.


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