Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

International Sangha Day: May Our Communication Be Sangha

By Centre Team on Fri, 10 Sep, 2021 - 20:51

International Sangha Day: May Our Communication Be Sangha

By Centre Team on Fri, 10 Sep, 2021 - 20:51

Sunday November 21
Sangha, spiritual community, can be described as a network of friendships based on what’s of most value. In the company of those committed to the Buddha’s teachings – past and present – we can express and deepen metta, loving-kindness, in our deeds, words and thoughts.

This year’s International Sangha Day celebration focuses on communication because communication is a crucial part of the practice and development of Sangha. At its worst, communication can cause conflict and confusion, polarisation and the...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Reflecting on your Speech

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 26 Jul, 2021 - 06:00

Introducing the speech precepts, Bodhilila explains the Buddha’s advice on how to communicate effectively. How do you decide when and how to speak, using criteria of helpfulness, truthfulness, and whether or not it is pleasant to hear?

From the talk entitled The Buddha’s Speech given at West London Buddhist Centre, 2017.

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Dharmabyte: Going Forth in Speech

By Sadayasihi on Thu, 22 Jul, 2021 - 06:00

Marking the 50th anniversary of his own ‘Going Forth’ in India, Sangharakshita offers us his thoughts on the significance this adventure had for him and reflects on its relation to the Buddha’s search for Truth - with particular regard to actions of body, speech, and mind.

From the talk Reflections on Going Forth, 1997.

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FBA Podcast: Echoes From the Deep

By Sadayasihi on Sat, 15 May, 2021 - 06:00

Arthapriya explores the characteristics of a person who is a good communicator - having empathy for others, deeply listening, and drawing each other out into deeper presence with one another.

This is a talk given as part of the Year of Spiritual Community talks at Cambridge Buddhist Centre, 2014.

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Dharmabyte: Introduction to Talking Meditation

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 16 Nov, 2020 - 06:00

Vajradevi introduces the idea of ‘talking meditation’, where we carry the thread of awareness through verbal communication. This extends beyond awareness of the speech precepts to being aware of the texture or tone of our own and others’ voices, using a ‘settled back’ stance and giving priority to the thread of awareness/knowing over the content of what’s being said. She gives tips for the practice: staying aware of our own minds, aiming to let go of trying and...

Buddhist Action
Buddhist Action

Fundraising for å book on sustainability and mindfulness from a buddhist perspective

By gunaketu on Wed, 4 Nov, 2020 - 12:40

Fundraising for å book on sustainability and mindfulness from a buddhist perspective

By gunaketu on Wed, 4 Nov, 2020 - 12:40

I am Gunaketu and I am inspired to do more to help build “a new society” - based on truthfulness and sustainability - so very much in demand these days!

After helping build the Manchester Buddhist Centre I started the Oslo Buddhistsenter in 2000 which is now a thriving little centre with 9 men and women preparing for ordination.

To help promote social and ecological sustainability I want to write a doctorial thesis and a book. It will combine six articles already published and compare...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: Good Friends

By Sadayasihi on Sat, 28 Mar, 2020 - 13:00

Kalyana Mitrata is spiritual friendship, even ‘the lovely intimacy’, the need for close and supportive connections with others in treading the path. Ratnaprabha  explores why the Buddha said spiritual friendship is ‘the whole of the Buddhist Life’. Is it as important now as it was in the Buddha’s time? Is a Kalyana Mitra the same thing as a guru or teacher? How can we make the intimate connections in our lives really stimulating and nourishing? How do we...

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Dharmabyte: Armed with Love Flowers

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 23 Mar, 2020 - 13:00

Here Karunadhi  introduces us to the Red Rite of Fascination. Friendship emerges from love for our friends, but also can evoke strong attachment. Communication and the samgrahavastu (means of unification) of loving speech are the antidote for grasping and projection.

Excerpted from the talk Spiritual Friendship and the Red Rite of Fascination as part of the series Spiritual Friendship and the Tantric Rites given on a joint Tiratanaloka and Buddhafield retreat...

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FBA Podcast: A Helping Hand

By Sadayasihi on Sat, 14 Mar, 2020 - 13:00

Ratnaghosha reflects on how friendships and connections are woven into the tapestry of his life, how other people give our lives a sense of richness and abundance. In the sangha, people are passing on the Dharma through their relationships – living, breathing Dharma is passed on through spiritual friendship. The Buddha was the original spiritual friend, exemplifying for us that Enlightenment demands communication.

From a series of talks given during the Year of Kalyana Mitrata at the Cambridge Buddhist...
