College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Parami, Lokeshvara and Saddhaloka In Conversation

By parami on Sat, 18 Mar, 2017 - 15:08

A new podcast from some members of the Adhisthana Kula as they come to the end of a 10-day meeting of the College. 

A great little summary of some of the more general issues discussed, including those arising from historical controversies in Triratna (formerly the FWBO). We get a little taster of other conversations to come - with news of new media, and of prospective reconciliation possibilities within the wider community.

What emerges is a picture of the College at a...

College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Statement about sex between preceptors and those they ordain from the Preceptors' College

By Saccanama on Mon, 9 Jan, 2017 - 12:48

Below is a statement from the Preceptors’ College making clear our position on sex between preceptors and those they ordain. 

In response to the current discussions about our history, we in the College of Public Preceptors wish to state clearly our position on sexual relations between Preceptors and those they ordain. Recognising the difficulties that have arisen in the past, it has long been our position that sexual contact between teachers and their students is undesirable.

Such contact is more...

Triratna International Council
Triratna International Council

2016 International Council Meeting - summary

By dhammamegha on Wed, 5 Oct, 2016 - 10:34

The International Council met at Adhisthana from the 1st to the 8th of August 2016.

Here is a presentation of who was there, the areas of interest to different Area Councils, and the programme.

It also includes the priorities going forward for the International Council over the next year or two: what each of the strands is taking forward, and what the Council as a whole has set as priorities. These include a response to diversity and access, a review of the system of...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Introducing the March 2016 Preceptors' College Meeting

By Candradasa on Thu, 10 Mar, 2016 - 19:02

Starting our coverage of the spring meeting of the Triratna Preceptors’ College - the group of experienced Buddhists who oversee ordinations worldwide into the Triratna Buddhist Order.

+ follow the Preceptors College for more from the week!

We hear from Saddhaloka - Chair of the College - on plans for ordination courses as the Order passes the landmark of having 2000 active members.

We also hear from Ratnadharini and Parambandhu, two of the deputy Chairs, on...

European Chairs' Assembly
European Chairs' Assembly

Reports from the European Chairs Assembly July 2014

By Nandavajra on Tue, 5 Aug, 2014 - 12:09
These are reports from the July 2014 ECA meeting held at Adhisthana. They include the minutes of the AGM and business meetings and notes on presentations to the meeting. There are also notes from three days of the meeting that brought together the Chairs and representatives from the College of Public Preceptors and explored collaboration across our community, strategic vision and fundraising. Please contact Nandavajra for further details.